Friday, January 28, 2011

Willie's Driving?!

I drove with Willie the other day... and I wasn't the one who was driving! I figured I'd document this historic first occasion. Check it OUT!

Life Lesson: There's a first time for everything.

p.s. I believe there are more heavy snow-plow machinery in this video than in Vancouver all together...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Four in the Morning

Waking up at four in the morning has been an occurring theme in the last week for me. You may ask, "How do you monitor your sleeping habits, Manny?" And I will tell you that, "No, it is not only because I sometimes awake and look at the piercing indigo time on my alarm clock; but it is also because I have the help of a certain iPhone application named Sleep Cycle (thanks DMS). It monitors my movements when I sleep and ultimately, in a 30 minute frame, wakes me up in my lightest pattern of sleep!" Yes... I do use this $0.99 scientific wonder most nights, and the statistics show that I have indeed been awake at four in the morning for the past week. The iPhone's sensitive accelerometer picks up my movements as I sleep and graphs them out according to whether I'm awake (because of extreme amounts of movement), asleep normally, or in a deep sleep (little to no movement). Don't worry I've configured it to my bed and have tested it on the floor. I'll have all you doubters know that it works!

Actually, I was told that I was talking and laughing loudly around 4 something during the night last week. I was curious because I had no recollection of that at all. I checked Sleep Cycle and BOOM, there was an extreme spike of movement exactly at 4 a.m.

So I've been thinking... why 4 a.m.?! And what is the purpose for these strange awakenings?

It is also strange that I would post two long videos in a row like this, but thanks to my friend Britta, there is a video explaining the significance and an exaggerated conspiracy of the specific time: 4 a.m. Pshh, you thought 11:11 was special. Take a look at this...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Power of Time

Here's an extremely interesting video explaining people's views of time and the various life consequences for each. The drawings that correspond with the speech enhance this video tremendously. I highly suggest watching the whole 10 minutes of it. If not for the message, watch for the entertaining artistic display! Enjoy...

Just a Tweak

Wowwwww. It's taken me a very long time to adjust my new blog picture... fiddling around with pixel adjustments and background templates is just not my favourite thing to do. Whatever, it's up now and I'm not going to touch it!

Thanks to my ever so talented artistic sister (Jesssss), I have a new blog picture of sweet photos within photos and a tweaked title! I figured that Life Lessons with Manuel is somewhat of a more accurate title. Most of my Life Lessons are indeed my own, but I do share others' as well. Therefore, why not make this thing a bit more politically correct, you know?! It's just a nice little change, I may even change it back if it doesn't feel right... (let me know what you think too!)

Side Note: I heard Theo Fleury (ex-NHL player, Stanley Cup Champion, and Olympic Gold Medalist) speak today at the U of M. Thanks to Sung's tweet, BOOM, I packed up my homework and rushed across campus to be there! He spoke of his life story (as in his book Playing with Fire) and how from ages 14-16 he was molested by his coach and kept it a secret for the majority of his life. Because of this, he turned down a road of alcoholism and drug addiction during and after his time in the NHL. It was quite the story. In short, he saw the light, got clean, and now he's a motivational speaker and does his best to serve others who are/were in his situation, plus more! Not bad. Oh, and to tie this into my post... he says "You know?" A LOT!

Anyways... Thanks Jess for compiling this picture, I appreciate it!

Friday, January 21, 2011


The re-introduction of Royal Canoe. Here's some more amazing work from Nice! Productions... Check it OUT:

ROYAL CANOE from Nice! Productions on Vimeo.

Personality Theories

So in my online Psychology of Personality class, our first assignment is to post messages for course discussion. We are to create our own personality theory and then respond to another classmate's theory, with a couple more responses after that. So I thought it would be cool to jog the reader's mind here as well! Please, share your thoughts too. Here is my first message:

My own personality theory in regards to basic human nature would be considered an eclectic one; combining the social cognitive and behavioural approaches (cognitive behavioural), with a mix of the humanistic view as well. You can definitely justify any part of each approach in some way, but I’ll stick with these ones for now.

I believe that our cognitive processes and our relationships definitely determine our “personality” and how we react or feel towards certain situations or experiences. The way we display (or the way we think we display) these actions/reactions, reflects our personality whether it be through our speech, mannerisms, or actions. This is where the addition of the humanistic view comes in. Acting and reacting is what we as humans do. It is the way we perceive various situations and circumstances that shapes one’s own personality (mixed with some genetic biological factors as well, of course). We learn from all of our countless daily interactions and apply what we've learned (acceptance or rejection) to our overall behaviour, which includes the way we think. Everyone perceives explanations for their relationship interactions differently, therefore resulting in various behaviours for similar situations, or different personalities. The way we react to miscellaneous stimuli, for example our preference in music, can reflect our personality as well. It is what we choose to enjoy or dislike that can determine it too.

All in all, I would say that our experiences and what we learn from them might be the most important foundation for personality. I also believe that there is a divine influence, but I’ll save that for another message! I hope this made sense; it is quite a loaded question.


BOOM, Manuel's Life Lessons has hit 200 posts!

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

BOOM. Altered.

It's taken me awhile, but I've finally tweaked this sucka. I'm sticking with the good ol' Blogger. I've added a new feature on the far right column... have a gander.

I know I wanted to make significant changes, BUT it takes me forever to do these things. So I hope you tolerate this look!
I'm still gonna revamp the title design so... that'll be a nice little surprise sometime soon.

I'll leave you with a Life Lesson my cousin Charles conjured up the other day...

Life Lesson: High risk equals high reward.

I'm not sure how it applies in this post. I just love the sound of it!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Age of Adz

I've made a huge mistake...
(Arrested Development anyone?)

My mistake was that I did not include Sufjan Stevens' newest album, The Age of Adz, in my Top Albums of 2010 post!!! I guess I hadn't listened to the full album 'til this week, but I still can't believe that I didn't even put it on my honourable mentions list. It would have been top 5 for SURE.

This album lives up to it's name. The abstractness just grasps you and takes you into another world... which is Adz. This is why I would love to relax and trip-out to this album after an extreme sauna session. Sufjan never disappoints, and this is no exception. I'm extremely jealous of those who got to see this album performed live out west recently! Anyways, the album is NUTS! Listen for yourself (un-mute, because it is playing for you right now)... Enjoy.

The Age Of Adz by Cultural Webolution

I dare you to take a journey with "Impossible Soul" (which is 25 minutes LONG!!). This is my favourite song on the album. It is literally a story/short film in song form. It's UNREAL!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Stuck in the Snow Bank

Alright, first of all... I hate early mornings. You may say, "Well, you're not going to like your summer job with the City then!" ... We'll see how that goes... BUT, for now, I cannot stand waking up early; especially for school. When I do, I literally feel sick with a cold and a splitting headache, not to mention being exhausted. It's the worst. It's also bad when it's snowing/freezing temperatures and you're waiting with ~30 other people at the bus stop on Bishop Grandin as already full buses drive by you.

I'm sorry for using this time to vent my frustration, but there will be a purpose to this post, I promise.

So as the 30 of us were waiting for the next bus with some standing space, I noticed that an SUV had swerved up and into the snow bank. The driver was spinning the wheels hard and they just kept digging, sinking the vehicle further into the trap. I realized that no one was stopping to help and that the 30 of us waiting for the bus didn't even care (even though we were doing nothing, just waiting for a bus that wasn't even in sight yet).

It's strange how in large groups of people, everyone believes that someone else will step forward and help. I don't know the specifics (I believe it was in Montreal, years ago), but the best example, though extreme, would be when a woman was stabbed within her apartment block and was screaming for help. The stabber fled due to the screaming but then came back to finish the job because even though people heard her screaming, no one came to her rescue or called 911. Everyone thought someone else had it covered!

Life Lesson: Take the initiative.

Okay, back to my story. It bothered me that I stood there and watched for 5 minutes without doing anything. So I decided to be a good Samaritan and head over to the vehicle to see if I could help. I tried to rock the vehicle back and forth with her (the driver's) help, but there was just no use once I saw that the right front tire was completely submerged in the snow bank. Thankfully, two other people stopped to help and one had a truck with a heavy duty tow-rope! Boom, he pulled her out pretty easily. And that was that.

I didn't write this to sing myself some praise. Since deciding to major in Psychology, I've opened my eyes to look for certain situations (especially behavioural) to study and analyze. In this situation, if I hadn't gone to help, how long would it have taken for someone else to stop and help? It's easier to go out of your way to help someone if you see another already in the process, right? Agree or not, that's what I think. The guy with the truck and tow-rope maybe would have stopped if I wasn't there anyways... who knows. Nonetheless, it felt good to help! If I was in that stressful situation, I know I would want the same help and concern from a stranger.

p.s. When she got out I should have asked for a ride to school, and then maybe I would have been on time. This was the fourth straight time I've stood on the bus... it's brutal, not gonna lie.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Chippendales Dance

Again... I am experiencing hilarious tears during a JibJab! Excellent work, Cam the Man!

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Truly a Party Party

The ExtraOrdinary mixtape party at Lo Pub was a huge successss! Props to Cam and Eric for setting that thing UP! Beautiful job. Royal Canoe rocked the place senseless and Saint Kris brought the crowd back with his sweet, poetic fire. Such a good night!
It was nice to see a whole lot of familiar faces packed into the cozy Lo Pub as well.
Here's a view from my perspective:


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Unnecessary FORCE

Here's a very funny video that Gena contributed to. HILARIOUS, one might say!

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

ExtraOrdinary Party at Lo PUB!

As I listen to the awful and excruciating hold music for UofM's Registrar's office, I will use this time to remind you to come to Lo Pub this SATURDAY! Saint Kris is performing his brand new polished mixtape, and Royal Canoe is also gonna provide some dance vibe! Come at 9 o'clock and bring $8 bucks, plus more for the mixtape itself! BOOM, it's gonna be a gooood time. Check out these enticing preview videos:

Saint Kris - ExtraOrdinary Trailer from Nice! Productions on Vimeo.

Royal Canoe & Saint Kris @ LoPub, Jan 8 from Nice! Productions on Vimeo.

p.s. What's with Canada blowing a 3 goal lead in the THIRD PERIOD?! They literally went into a COMA and let the Russians plunder their possessions... pride... and JOY. Unbelievable.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Back to School... in 2011

SHOOT! The holiday is now gone. WHY?! HOW?! Oh well, I guess I can make it through another term of studying, writing, and stressing OUT. In the spirit of going back to school, I will reveal the craziest/longest text message conversation that I have ever had (it relates, just read the next sentence)! It was the night before our final Child Development exam last term and it was very late. Both Gena and I were going insane. We were delirious, one might say. I initiated, asking which quizzes were going to be on the exam; then it got out of hand from there... I do not blame you if you don't read the whole thing, it is pretty long and pretty ridiculous. Just think of it as a crazy story. "G" will be Gena and "M" will be me. Maybe get comfortable on your/a carpet before you start. Have a read:

Disclaimer: Don't take anything you read on here too seriously!

M - Which quizzes are on tomo's exam??!

G - What do you mean by which quizzes?

M - Like 4-7 or 5-7 lol.

G - Hahaha Manny, you lost me. Are you talking about the quizzes we wrote in class?

M - Yes haha! Also do you have Oct. 28th's notes??

G - Oh, well I'm not sure for the quizzes, I'm just doing quizzes online, and no, I was not there for that class and did not get the notes!

M - NOOO! Oh well. K cool, good luck studyin'! Cya tomo.

G - Haha ... I keep cracking up every time I read tomo. But yeah, bright and early, it's like a suicide mission, writing exams at 8:30, it's murder.

M - Lol, it's the easiest way! Exactly. It's gonna suck. But at least it'll be done with!

G - No doubt. You understand you can do online quizzes right?

M - Ya... like that registering prof textbook thing? Is it worth it??

G - I think so, I don't know half of these answers. So it's making me look in the textbook which I despise.

M - Hmm, k I'll check it out. Thanks! CyA tomo lol.

G - You're welcome. And yes, haha, tomo.

Sometime later...

G - "Happier husbands tend to be more involved fathers." Keep that in mind.

M - Kk why haha?

G - Maybe because you're most likely going to be a husband and father one day, and it's just an interesting fact.

M - Oh hahaha! Okay fair enough!

G - Yeah, sorry, I'm distracting.

M - No worries, I'm distracting myself lol.

G - Well, here is a helpful tip, stop.

M - I'll try!!! I just love the thought of being done so much, that I don't want to study! K let's get to it!!

G - I know how that goes. I'm still only on chapter 7, I'm dying here.

M - Farther than me!

G - Hah k cya. Bye.

Sometime later...


M - Whaaaaa?! No way!!!!! Ship them over!!

G - What am I? Your slave?

M - Didn't you learn to share!? Com'on Gena! Haha.

G - Could you define the word share please?

M - Enjoying something in participation with another! Lol. Is it in the text??

G - Haha ... Noooo! It is actually, a part or portion of a larger amount that is divided among a number of people, or to which a number of people contribute. What are you sharing with me?

M - NOTES! You know what I mean ha. Can you send them to me??

G - Geeze.

M - Please? Wow, I hate all these details in the textbook. Like all these month milestones!

G - Textbooks suck ass (excuse my language)

M - YES!

G - Yes what? They suck? I know.

G - (In the email with her notes) ... Geeze, no patience .. I'm trying to think of something clever to say, but noooooo, you just want the notes ASAP. ... So fine, here, enjoy the notes. You owe me your first born.

M - You are something else, Gena! And I am NOT giving you my first born lol!

Sometime later... If you've read to here, I applaud you.

G - Anne Marie is going INSANE!!! I'm going to DDDDIIEEEEEE!!!

M - Handle yourself (I believe I meant "get a hold of")!! It's almost over lol!

G - What did I do to make you think that?

M - Think what?! Stop distracting me!!! Bah, CYA TOMO!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna die as well.

G - What you said, and you do owe me your first born. I'll come collect it in a few years.

M - I said handle yourself! As in pull yourself together WOMAN! Get it?!

G - WOW! NOOO, you lie Manuel, you lie.

M - I don't know what you think I meant!!!! Because you said you were going to DDDDIIIEEEEE! NO, I DON'T LIE!

G - WHY AM I SOMETHING ELSE? Are you saying that I don't fit in? You don't have to tell me, my self-esteem is already low Manny, thanks a lot. (Remember my disclaimer)

M - I meant that as in I admire your humor!!!!!!!!! Geeze Gena!! Why assume the negativity so quickly?! COM'ON!

G - I'm not being negative, I am doing nothing but grinning. Yelling a bit every now and then, only with joy though. I yell with joy!

M - Bahahaha okay! I'm doing the same minus yelling. Well, maybe yelling in my head.

G - I am glad to hear that! I didn't take you as a yeller, that's for sure. You're just ... Tall.

M - You crack me up! In the laughable sense of the expression...

G - Oh man, I started panicking that you thought of me in the drug sense. I'm not like that Manny, stop assuming.

M - I'm not assuming anything! I make joke! You're the one assuming.

G - True, my bad, my bad. Hahaha ... Oh my ... Exactly.

M - Oh my what?

G - FAIL ... I was looking for, as my good friends Kaiten, Miguel and Manny say ... OH MY LIFE!

M - Bah, oh my LIFE! I thought you had a real revelation instead.

G - Just fantastic.

M - "Down the line, Jeff. Brilliant!" (A line that forward Gary Bruce on Philadelphia Bible University would say over and over again when we played them in Florida. The same with "Oh my life!")

M - We should probably record this conversation.

G - From both ends, we can't hear each other, then play them together. We would make millions. We have talent.

M - I'm down if you are. It's easy dialogue on my iPhone. We could record our voices and make MILLIONS!

G - I am so down. I could use millions. ... I was thinking of just winning it all in bingo, but this sounds better.

M - Ahh yes. We should play bingo soon! Hmm, when should we record? After the exam?

G - Yep!

M - K done. I'll TTY then. I should rest. Or try and read ch. 10,12 & 13!!

G - I'm on 10. Two questions left. Boo-ya! Nah, actually, it sucks.

M - I'm debating going to sleep...

G - Sleep, I have a feeling I'm not going to get much of that tonight.

M - Dang Gena! That's one of the essential beneficial steps to writing an exam!

G - I know. But I have two chapters to go. I can't quit now. Damn it, I shouldn't have done push-ups with Kaiten and Miguel, I knew it was a mistake from the get go.

M - When did you do that? Well I'll stay up too then and read. But we should probably let each other do so in peace haha.

G - At 10, and ouch Manny, you're saying you don't want to talk to me. I'm hurt, but I understand because it happens often.

M - Woah, I hope you're joking!

G - Of course I'm joking, what kind of comment was that?

M - Ya no doubt. It was a bipolar one haha. Okay! Let US read in peace! Cool tools?

G - Yes sir, handy Manny!

M - Set myself up, didn't I?

G - Oh man, you didn't stand a chance there.

M - Whatevs, CIAO!

G - Adios amigo. Buenas noches.

Hour later...

G - I called it quits, so for real, good night.

M - Tchuss! So am I. Cya tomo, for the final time lol. Night.


If you've read this entire thing, I will give you a standing ovation the next time I see you (just maybe remind me to). There ya go, Gena. Told you I would post this when the time was right!

... and YES, I'm back at the UofM.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Question: How Should I Revamp?

I've been thinking about it awhile, and I realize now, that I cannot come to a final decision on how I want to revamp my blog look. Suggestions? I've triggered the debate between a revamped blogspot or a new and fresh lookin' tumblr... I still believe that I am loyal to Blogger though. Josh asked me, "Why would you switch to tumblr?" and I replied, "Why not?" There really is no gripping reason as to why I would switch. It just seems that tumblr is the trendy blogging platform these days. Maybe it's because it's more compatible with twitter? Or that it claims to be the most simple form of blogging? I don't know. All I know is that I want Manuel's Life Lessons to go through a transformation.
Something that is different...

When something in my life has been unchanged and constant for a long time, I believe myself to be in a rut, or maybe somewhat stuck in a way. I want to experience new things! I guess that's why I love to travel and act spontaneously (when I can). But I can't travel or act that way all of the time; I may want some help with the spontaneity sometimes too! So in this instance and for this dilemma:

Life Lesson: When there's a fork in the road, pull over and look at a map
(I guess it's 2011 now... so look at your GPS).

You're the map, folks. Where should I go with this blog? I'm going to have to keep thinking about this! Maybe just set aside the cheesy metaphor and give me some input, please!

p.s. I think my spur-the-moment posts (like this one) are my best most of the time. Just raw thoughts and feelings; this is when I love writing the most... it is excellent.
I tried not to contradict myself in this post, hopefully you understand my thoughts. That's what I get for late night blogging!

p.p.s. I went to the WSO's 2011 Kick-off Concert and it was UNREAL! So much variety in the acts; it was just super entertaining.

Fun fact of the concert: The Duhks played and I was able to say that they actually opened for my band that I was in way back when. It was a Save Lake Winnipeg concert in Matlock '07... pretty cool.
Other acts included: Comedian and host Al Rae, Don Amero, Marni Enns, Del Barber, The New Lightweights, Chic Gamine, Walle Larsson, The Waking Eyes, Les Surveillantes, Momentum Aerial, Royal Winnipeg Ballet, and of course, the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra (who backed up most of the musicians; amazing stuff)!

It feels good to start a new year. Enjoy 2011, everyone!

My Vimeo Favourites

Jump on the Bandwagon