SHOOT! The holiday is now gone. WHY?! HOW?! Oh well, I guess I can make it through another term of studying, writing, and stressing OUT. In the spirit of going back to school, I will reveal the craziest/longest text message conversation that I have ever had (it relates, just read the next sentence)! It was the night before our final Child Development exam last term and it was very late. Both Gena and I were going insane. We were delirious, one might say. I initiated, asking which quizzes were going to be on the exam; then it got out of hand from there... I do not blame you if you don't read the whole thing, it is pretty long and pretty ridiculous. Just think of it as a crazy story. "G" will be Gena and "M" will be me. Maybe get comfortable on your/a carpet before you start. Have a read:
Disclaimer: Don't take anything you read on here too seriously!
M - Which quizzes are on tomo's exam??!
G - What do you mean by which quizzes?
M - Like 4-7 or 5-7 lol.
G - Hahaha Manny, you lost me. Are you talking about the quizzes we wrote in class?
M - Yes haha! Also do you have Oct. 28th's notes??
G - Oh, well I'm not sure for the quizzes, I'm just doing quizzes online, and no, I was not there for that class and did not get the notes!
M - NOOO! Oh well. K cool, good luck studyin'! Cya tomo.
G - Haha ... I keep cracking up every time I read tomo. But yeah, bright and early, it's like a suicide mission, writing exams at 8:30, it's murder.
M - Lol, it's the easiest way! Exactly. It's gonna suck. But at least it'll be done with!
G - No doubt. You understand you can do online quizzes right?
M - Ya... like that registering prof textbook thing? Is it worth it??
G - I think so, I don't know half of these answers. So it's making me look in the textbook which I despise.
M - Hmm, k I'll check it out. Thanks! CyA tomo lol.
G - You're welcome. And yes, haha, tomo.
Sometime later...
G - "Happier husbands tend to be more involved fathers." Keep that in mind.
M - Kk why haha?
G - Maybe because you're most likely going to be a husband and father one day, and it's just an interesting fact.
M - Oh hahaha! Okay fair enough!
G - Yeah, sorry, I'm distracting.
M - No worries, I'm distracting myself lol.
G - Well, here is a helpful tip, stop.
M - I'll try!!! I just love the thought of being done so much, that I don't want to study! K let's get to it!!
G - I know how that goes. I'm still only on chapter 7, I'm dying here.
M - Farther than me!
G - Hah k cya. Bye.
Sometime later...
M - Whaaaaa?! No way!!!!! Ship them over!!
G - What am I? Your slave?
M - Didn't you learn to share!? Com'on Gena! Haha.
G - Could you define the word share please?
M - Enjoying something in participation with another! Lol. Is it in the text??
G - Haha ... Noooo! It is actually, a part or portion of a larger amount that is divided among a number of people, or to which a number of people contribute. What are you sharing with me?
M - NOTES! You know what I mean ha. Can you send them to me??
G - Geeze.
M - Please? Wow, I hate all these details in the textbook. Like all these month milestones!
G - Textbooks suck ass (excuse my language)
M - YES!
G - Yes what? They suck? I know.
G - (In the email with her notes) ... Geeze, no patience .. I'm trying to think of something clever to say, but noooooo, you just want the notes ASAP. ... So fine, here, enjoy the notes. You owe me your first born.
M - You are something else, Gena! And I am NOT giving you my first born lol!
Sometime later... If you've read to here, I applaud you.
G - Anne Marie is going INSANE!!! I'm going to DDDDIIEEEEEE!!!
M - Handle yourself (I believe I meant "get a hold of")!! It's almost over lol!
G - What did I do to make you think that?
M - Think what?! Stop distracting me!!! Bah, CYA TOMO!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna die as well.
G - What you said, and you do owe me your first born. I'll come collect it in a few years.
M - I said handle yourself! As in pull yourself together WOMAN! Get it?!
G - WOW! NOOO, you lie Manuel, you lie.
M - I don't know what you think I meant!!!! Because you said you were going to DDDDIIIEEEEE! NO, I DON'T LIE!
G - WHY AM I SOMETHING ELSE? Are you saying that I don't fit in? You don't have to tell me, my self-esteem is already low Manny, thanks a lot. (Remember my disclaimer)
M - I meant that as in I admire your humor!!!!!!!!! Geeze Gena!! Why assume the negativity so quickly?! COM'ON!
G - I'm not being negative, I am doing nothing but grinning. Yelling a bit every now and then, only with joy though. I yell with joy!
M - Bahahaha okay! I'm doing the same minus yelling. Well, maybe yelling in my head.
G - I am glad to hear that! I didn't take you as a yeller, that's for sure. You're just ... Tall.
M - You crack me up! In the laughable sense of the expression...
G - Oh man, I started panicking that you thought of me in the drug sense. I'm not like that Manny, stop assuming.
M - I'm not assuming anything! I make joke! You're the one assuming.
G - True, my bad, my bad. Hahaha ... Oh my ... Exactly.
M - Oh my what?
G - FAIL ... I was looking for, as my good friends Kaiten, Miguel and Manny say ... OH MY LIFE!
M - Bah, oh my LIFE! I thought you had a real revelation instead.
G - Just fantastic.
M - "Down the line, Jeff. Brilliant!" (A line that forward Gary Bruce on Philadelphia Bible University would say over and over again when we played them in Florida. The same with "Oh my life!")
M - We should probably record this conversation.
G - From both ends, we can't hear each other, then play them together. We would make millions. We have talent.
M - I'm down if you are. It's easy dialogue on my iPhone. We could record our voices and make MILLIONS!
G - I am so down. I could use millions. ... I was thinking of just winning it all in bingo, but this sounds better.
M - Ahh yes. We should play bingo soon! Hmm, when should we record? After the exam?
G - Yep!
M - K done. I'll TTY then. I should rest. Or try and read ch. 10,12 & 13!!
G - I'm on 10. Two questions left. Boo-ya! Nah, actually, it sucks.
M - I'm debating going to sleep...
G - Sleep, I have a feeling I'm not going to get much of that tonight.
M - Dang Gena! That's one of the essential beneficial steps to writing an exam!
G - I know. But I have two chapters to go. I can't quit now. Damn it, I shouldn't have done push-ups with Kaiten and Miguel, I knew it was a mistake from the get go.
M - When did you do that? Well I'll stay up too then and read. But we should probably let each other do so in peace haha.
G - At 10, and ouch Manny, you're saying you don't want to talk to me. I'm hurt, but I understand because it happens often.
M - Woah, I hope you're joking!
G - Of course I'm joking, what kind of comment was that?
M - Ya no doubt. It was a bipolar one haha. Okay! Let US read in peace! Cool tools?
G - Yes sir, handy Manny!
M - Set myself up, didn't I?
G - Oh man, you didn't stand a chance there.
M - Whatevs, CIAO!
G - Adios amigo. Buenas noches.
Hour later...
G - I called it quits, so for real, good night.
M - Tchuss! So am I. Cya tomo, for the final time lol. Night.
If you've read this entire thing, I will give you a standing ovation the next time I see you (just maybe remind me to). There ya go, Gena. Told you I would post this when the time was right!
... and YES, I'm back at the UofM.