Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Olympic Fever Trailer!

I've finally found time to finish this precious thing! Here is the "extended" trailer (I say "extended" because it's a pretty long trailer and I don't even have a shorter version!) for my upcoming mini series of Vlogs which will include coverage of my Kelowna ski trip and Olympic experience! Enjoy!

p.s. I am considering getting a new movie making program (stupid Windows Movie Maker). I synced the music up with footage at certain points and fused the audio perfectly near the end, BUT, the program was being stubborn and would not accept my editing precision!! WHY?! Whatevs, it's as good as it's gonna get! Check it OUT!

Olympic Fever (Extended Trailer) from MannyG on Vimeo.

DMS' Response

I just had to re-post this comment... it's probably the most honouring thing that anybody has ever written about me! I really appreciated this response, so because of that, DMS, you get a double cameo... Cheers! Love ya too! p.s. I totally would have posted a picture of us together, but I have no such material, let's change that bro!!

DMS - "Let all followers of Manuel's Life Lessons bare witness to this joyous occasion; the transaction is now complete. A heartfelt blog entry, in exchange for a beloved Canadian Olympic toque. Let it also be known (for those who do not know him personally), that Manny is truly a class act. I wouldn't give my toque to any other person! So, Manuel, I thank you, merci, danke. I bid you adieu, auf wiedersehen and goodnight!

P.S. I look forward to my inevitable trip to Winnipeg in the near future.
Love ya man!"


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dear DMS

You may be wondering who DMS is... unless you are DMS who is reading this! Yes, DMS is a just person like you and I. However... this person deserves to be recognized in an honourable way. I went to Bible School in Sweden with this man, but it wasn't until after (on facebook actually) that our friendship flourished. I also believe that he is the only person in Saskatchewan who reads my blog and is Manuel's Life Lessons' #1 Fan from that particular province (that's a pretty special title)! You may have noticed that I've been wearing an H.B.C. Canada Olympic toque lately. The one I'm wearing in my main title picture is different than the one I've been sportin' since the Olympics though... and I'll tell you why. That one was my sister's, but now I have one of my own thanks to DMS! Here's how it happened:

A group of us Holsbyites (plus my buddy Josh) met up in the ever intense down town Vancouver area and perused the streets; walking among the exciting Olympic festivities. As we were walking, somebody in our group mentioned that they felt left out because every person in the streets was rightfully wearing Olympic gear! We all agreed. All of a sudden DMS decided to tell everyone that he did actually have an Olympic toque (yes, toque... not beanie). He didn't want to wear it, so I happily asked if I could. It didn't leave my head the rest of the night. I literally adopted it and wore it as if it were my own (unknowingly that is).

Side note: Our fantastic reunion came to an end as we finished building our personal Inukshuks down by the waterfront by Yale town (there were thousands, it was quite the sight). This was across from the Olympic village which is actually more like a resort/hotel. When I think of a village, I think of straw roofed huts. So seeing this Vancouver Olympic "village" just ruined my vision of what I always thought it was like... Meh.

Anyways, all of us jumped onto the sky train to head home. We arrived at a certain stop and finally parted in our separate ways. Before I knew it, I was already walking down the stairs of the station trying to find a bus to get back to my Uncle's, then BOOM, it hit me... I was still wearing DMS' toque! I quickly ran back up the stairs, but it was too late. I texted him for him to come back and retrieve it (I would've called, but long distance calling was a factor); he simply replied, "It's okay, don't worry about it." I sincerely said, "You sure man?!? I can't accept this!" He responded with, "I'm sure. Consider it a gift." I felt baaaad. What a nice guy though! I totally just walked away with his precious, once-in-a-life-time, Olympic souvenir!! I was determined to ship an Olympic toque back to him when I got home. When I arrived back in Winnipeg, I continued to barter for a fair concluding deal. We settled on a Blog Post Dedication (not really equivalent in value, but it'll work. It's more valuable emotionally maybe). That is, I would honour him on Manuel's Life Lessons by recognizing him with a post solely devoted to him alone (I guess this really isn't what I agreed to... but it is a heart felt dedication/recognition/honouring!).

So without further adieu, raise your glasses with me... DMS, you are a man of infinite wisdom. I am deeply grateful that you graciously lent me and ultimately gave up your toque to me. I appreciate your generosity, charitableness, and selfless altruism. May you be blessed for this act of kindness. I can truly say that your toque has been of tremendous use to me, and I have worn it to the best of my ability. It has definitely been a significant piece in my Olympic experience, and therefore I say, thank-you... To you, my friend... Cheers.

DMS is the one peering over (above)

p.s. My Olympic Coverage trailer should be posted within the next two days!!! I've finally found time to finish it.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Stars Are Coming To Town!

I lied... not about the title, but about my last off-project post being my last entry! Sawry (as Gilly would say in SNL)... This is a mandatory post though. STARS are coming to TOWN!!!!! The unbelievable news was just posted today (Twitter is useful)! This is going to be UNREAL! I have been waiting the past three years for the opportunity to see this band live. You could easily guess this just from reading my Top 25 Most Played post; I am in love with this band. They'll be playing at the Pyramid on May 10th! It's a pretty small venue, so let me know if you want to go, like ASAP! I'm super ecstatic about this! Side Note: I just won my first roll up the rim of the season right now as I type this (I'll take any free coffee)! This day has turned out AWESOME!

Another reason why I needed to make this post is because their part II of their webisode series: The Five Ghosts, Making Of has just been aired! Check it OUT!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


On Saturday, I had the privilege of attending the most intimate concert of my LIFE! Yes, it was super cozy, and the sixty odd people who showed up all felt like family. The venue was downtown in a third floor photography studio of a warehouse. As we (Cam and I, though Sung was there as well) walked up the creaking wooden stairs, we entered a bare dark room that consisted of several wooden columns of ceiling support. We eventually made our way up a small wooden ramp and emerged into a room of quiet chatter in which the concert was situated. It was dimly lit, vibes of folk essence and relaxation immediately invaded the senses upon entering. Littered around the room were lawn chairs, padded benches, and a few 19th century sofas. The stage was a large, white, square platform, not even a foot off the ground. It was the perfect venue.

The show, which was more like a living room, fire-side sing along, featured various artists from Ontario. Headlining was Craig Cardiff (a true troubadour), who is known for his soft, charming melodies and his thoughtful looping of his voice and music. The audience that night also found out that he develops a unique relationship with them, as he exclaims what he thinks and feels, interweaving stories in between and within his songs. As a result, he more often than not gets a chuckle or two out of his listeners. Opening was Sean Pinchin, whose slide guitar made everyone in the room gasp with awe. Following his short and sweet performance was Robyn Dell'Unto, whose comedic interludes kept the good times rolling; she gave the experience an extra element for the listener, one which could be seen as a fun tucking-in of the audience before the soft, relaxing lullabies of Mr. Cardiff. After a short intermission it was Craig's turn, and he did not disappoint. He began by calling the audience forward to gather around him, on and by the platform. The theme of the night was love, as Craig again and again spoke of it's wonder, joy, and sometimes puzzling complexity. The latter was touched on in an explanation (of a friend's love interest dilemma) for his recently written and unrecorded song, "Italian Boys". Midway through his set, he called up the fourth artist of the evening to accompany him on the ever beautiful "Smallest Wingless" from his Goodnight (Go Home) album. Sheena Grobb then basked in the spotlight alone for a few of her heart-felt ballads. Craig finally took hold of the reins once again, performing his lovely Dan Ber cover "God Said No". He eventually laid the night to rest with a couple more of his intriguing tunes. What an excellent night. I am sure that the majority of the audience went home inspired, picked up an acoustic guitar, stroke a harmonious chord, and reminisced on what was heard just hours before.
It's hard to fully transfer my thoughts and emotions of my experience to you, the reader... but I can definitely show you some of it! Cam managed to capture most of the night on film with his shiny new HD camcorder (it's NICE... get it??... Check his Vimeo for that one). We also had the opportunity to chat with Craig Cardiff after the show! The first video here includes a couple songs of Craig's and a good chunk of our interview with him! The second video features Sean Pinchin and his amazing slide style on the guitar. Check it out!

Craig Cardiff (The Warehouse in Winnipeg) from Cam F. on Vimeo.

Sean Pinchin - Spreading My Education (The Warehouse in Winnipeg) from Cam F. on Vimeo.

Here is one of Robyn's songs from here Acoustic/Comedic routine!

Robyn Dell'Unto - Just a Bird (The Warehouse in Winnipeg) from Cam F. on Vimeo.

And here is Sheena Grobb! So chill.

Sheena Grobb - Getting Warmer (The Warehouse in Winnipeg) from Cam F. on Vimeo.

Okay!!!! This is my last off-project post, I promise! I didn't lie though, because I said that my Olympic coverage would be rolling in for the beginning of my next century of posts... it's still the beginning. Maybe I didn't say that, I'm too lazy to check.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Musical Influence

Today marks a significant milestone for my blog! The Century mark of postings has finally arrived for Manuel's Life Lessons! There is no better way to celebrate than to thank my Dad for passing on his musical traits and to also show the world some of his son's work. My Dad has been a major influence for me and my musical self, so this is somewhat of a tribute to him... partly because he's letting me drum for a recording of his called: Red River Risin' (keep your radios tuned to CBC... *hint, hint*)! This milestone also marks the starting point for my Olympic Coverage! You will hear plenty of stories and see priceless footage in the posts to come from my Van City Olympic experience!!! (Shout out: DMS, you shall bask in the spotlight soon my friend, and you will receive much praise!).

As this is my 100th post, I will now premier my Song Studying Part II video entitled: The Bridge of the Leahy Brothers! If you've already watched it on Vimeo, congratulations, you are a V.I.P. and an M.V.P. in my life and I am deeply honoured. Check it OUT!

Song Studying Part II: The Bridge of the Leahy Brothers from MannyG on Vimeo.

I was playing around with my song: The Leahy Brothers, and I created this bridge for it. My brother is in love with this song and is my number one fan, so I will ultimately get a vid of him and I singing it together... but for now, check it out and enjoy!
p.s. Notice the background of this video? I am at the location where our only tribal-esque art piece in the house resides!

My dad actually is the one clapping at the end of the video, he caught me by surprise. I should also say that my brother will be making an appearance for the final product of this song... yes, it will include harmonics (if you've called me and reached my voice mail, you know what I'm talking about)! Willie is in fact at a Jazz festival as I am typing this. He has the voice of an angel.
On another note... here's a sneak peek of what's to come on my blog for our recording sessions that have been going down. One word: Vlog (is it even a legitimate word yet?!)... stay tuned.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wavin' Flag

K'naan has officially been given his big break with this tune! It's super catchy and I love it. I don't know how many remixes there are (there's a lot), but here are two significant ones. The first one here is for Haiti relief and features 50+ Canadian artists (Emily Haines and Jimmy Shaw [Metric], Sam Roberts, Lights, Drake, Arkells, Torquil Campbell [Stars], Broken Social Scene, and Jay Malinowski [Bedouin Soundclash] are really the only ones I care about... but there are plenty more!); this project is just incredible. Check it out!

Here is the remix of the same song which was chosen as the official song for the World Cup!! I'm SO pumped for the World Cup! Every time I listen to this song I get goose bumps and shivers. This video is ridiculously inspirational! Check it OUT!

K'NAAN "Waving Flag" -Celebration mix- Dir: NABIL from nabil elderkin on Vimeo.

That's weird, it was a public video just two days ago! But anyway, here is the live version. Get PUMPED!

p.s. My next post is my 100th! The Century Milestone has finally graced Manuel's Life Lessons with it's presence! I'll celebrate with the release of my Song Studying Part II video... it's fitting because of my current situation, as I am recording with my dad. Stay tuned, it should air tomorrow!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Top 25 Most Played

In response to Cam's entry, here are the top twenty-five songs that have been played the most on my iPod! It's interesting because I haven't listened to any of these in awhile, but they are definitely some of my all-time faves. Since I can't do a fancy screen picture of my iTunes I'll just list them straight up from off my Pod... Here we go:

1) You're Ex-Lover Is Dead... by Stars; Album: Set Yourself On Fire (one of their best albums for sure!)
2) Soul Meets Body... by Death Cab for Cutie; Album: Plans (also stellar)
3) Set Yourself On Fire... by Stars; Album: Set Yourself On Fire
4) Summer Skin... by Death Cab for Cutie; Album: Plans
5) Reunion... by Stars; Album: Set Yourself On Fire (See a pattern developing?)
6) Ageless Beauty... by Stars; Album: Set Yourself On Fire
7) Apocalypse Please... by Muse; Album: Absolution (Pattern is officially broken!)
8) Marching Band... by Death Cab for Cutie; Album: Plans
9) Going, Going, Gone... by Stars; Album: Nightsongs
10) 14 Forever... by Stars; Album: Sad Robots EP (I think this is my number one on iTunes itself... great tune)
11) Sad Robot... by Stars; Album: Sad Robots EP
12) Undertow... by Stars; Album: Sad Robots EP
13) Tru... by Stars; Album: Nightsongs
14) Jesus... by Brand New; Album: The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me (great tune)
15) Personal... by Stars; Album: In Our Bedroom After the War
16) Going, Going, Gone (Live)... by Stars; Album: Sad Robots EP (you know the song's good live when...)
17) Silver Wings... by Thrice; Album: The Alchemy Index: Vol. III - Air (all four volumes are super chill and represent the four elements)
18) In Our Bedroom After the War... by Stars; Album: ... (Do I really need to say?)
19) Everything I Build... by The Stills; Album: Oceans Will Rise
20) Call It Off... by Tegan & Sara; Album: The Con
21) The Predatory Wasp Of The Palisades Is Out To Get Us!... by Sufjan Stevens; Album: Illinois (this guy is quite the singer/ song writer, I love him)
22) My Girl... by The Temptations; Album: (who knows?!) (I don't know why this is there! I had to listen to it for my Pop Music class at Prov, but I didn't listen to it enough for it to be on here!)
23) Mistakes We Knew... by Mae; Album: The Everglow
24) Time Is Running Out... by Muse; Album: Absolution
25) Child Of Dust... by Thrice; Album: The Alchemy Index: Vol. IV - Earth

There you go! As you can see, I love Stars! I'm sure there are a lot of close competitors on the rise in my Pod though.

p.s. I've started on the trailer for my Olympic Coverage! I've also started a vlog project on the recording that my dad and I are doing! Should be sweet!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Five Ghosts!

Alright, I know I'm going off on tangents with my posts and not sticking to my main projects, BUT one of my favourite all time bands, STARS, just announced the release date of their fifth full-length album called The Five Ghosts. I'm so pumped! It'll be their first album on their new personal label: Soft Revolution Records. In an interview awhile back, they mentioned that they would like to make another dance/pop/electronica album. So maybe this is IT! If it is anything like Heart or Nightsongs, it'll be unreal. Here is part-one of the few webisodes to come; they're making a series on the making of their album... Check it OUT!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Et cetera, Et cetera

I've had some free time lately, but it is unfortunate because I have not touched my Olympic vlog footage at all! This needs to change right away, and it will (I'll begin editing tomorrow and also release a trailer showing a snippet of my experience... hopefully)!

In other news, my entire body is really stiff right now. Yesterday, I managed to head to Prov after school to train and play futsal with the soccer team and then head back into the city to play floor hockey! So that was a pretty crazy/busy night. I am extremely exhausted and now I fully know that I am extremely out of shape. Speaking of busy, I was talking to Reims today, and she mentioned that I was a pretty busy guy and I guess it's kind of true, at least only for this week! Actually, today I had nothing up and I took full advantage of it, relaxing all evening (I will get to tonight's content later on in this long post). However, the rest of my week will not be as chill. Here's a lineup of what's upcoming in my "mad life" (Reims' words):

I'm very excited for what tomorrow night will bring. My dad and I will actually be recording some music together (ABOUT TIME)! He wrote a song about the Red River called: "Red River Rising", and now he wants to record it with the help of his producer friend and I! This will technically be my first time recording in a legit studio, so I'm totally pumped (at Bible school, out in Germany, we had this homemade one that consisted of upright tables and a lot of blankets... good times).

On Thursday, my evening begins with the Survivor watching crew. Yes, I have caved in and have fallen into the trap of the show Survivor! It's the 20th season and I am only getting into it now... unreal! It has been quite epic though, and I am loving every minute of it. Later that night I will also finally see the much anticipated: Shutter Island! I hear it just blows your mind and makes you search for out-of-reach answers; I can't wait to have my brain rattled. Plus I'm going with some of my blogger peeps, so I know it'll be a party, party (Saint better be there... I just quoted his song)!

Friday, is Youth night for my Church (The Meeting Place)! We'll be heading to my beloved high school of MBCI to attend a fundraiser to support an orphanage in Kenya named The Nest. There is a $20 entrance fee per person and all the proceeds will go towards the orphanage. If 100 people come out, that will be enough money to run the orphanage for 3 months! That's pretty awesome, so I hope 200+ show up and support a great cause. Log in to facebook and check out the event (<--- Check it out!). They are also going to have a battle of the bands happening later on too, so hopefully the local talent rocks the boat.

Saturday is my man Malech's BDAY BASH! Yes, all day I hope to be celebrating with this beloved man. Let's party, party!

Sunday, I have another concert to attend for my awesome music class (The Well Tempered Concert-Goer). It'll be featuring some Native Throat Singers. When I hear that, I am immediately intrigued... should be good!
As for tonight's content: I drummed some drums, strummed some guitar (I learned a Hey Ocean! song the other day!), and played some FIFA 10 (a soccer video game) while listening to some chill tunes. I know this next portion may be somewhat or even entirely nerdy (nerdiness seems to be a theme for my blogging crew tonight...) but I'll post it anyway! As for FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association... I was wondering the same thing. Now we know it is actually a French acronym), I scored an UNBELIEVABLE goal and uploaded it online/entered it into the FIFA 10 Goal of the Week contest (laugh at me, I know you want to). The winner gets a pair of Adidas' newest cleats!! Anyways, here it is; I call it the High Flying Spanish Heel... Check it out!

EA Sports: The High Flying Spanish Heel

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Speaking of Physics...

I had my Physics midterm tonight, and I'm pumped that it has finally come and gone! You would probably think that there couldn't possibly be a lesson to be learned during an exam, but of course... I found one. When everyone was thinking about the exam at hand, I was thinking of a lesson to give on exam etiquette...


Yes, someone's mobile phone had an incoming call for literally 90% of the two hour exam period! I couldn't believe it! Was there an emergency? ...Or was the caller too flippin' stubborn to leave a voicemail!? The phone was in a bag at the back of the room, and my two lab partners and I happened to be sitting at the back of the room! We silently laughed it off the first couple of times, but I'm not going to lie, it was terribly distracting. Just imagine it: You are currently writing an exam (actually picture this). You're obviously worn down from studying, you're devoting all your brain power and attention towards the exam, you're extremely focused and want to do well, recalling integral information like nothing else. Now enters a noise that is all too familiar... that distinct vibrating cellphone sound that presents itself after every three second interval, exactly. It doesn't help that you start to anticipate the next vibration and ultimately shift your concentration to the constant vibrating! This is where that dreaded eye twitch of yours comes in. How are you supposed to maintain your concentration!? ...You can't; or at least I can't! I am extremely jealous of the person who can overcome and entirely ignore such a situation.

Anyways, even though it was frustrating, it was also hilarious to see how everyone reacted to the disturbance! When it went off the first time, everyone in the back sort of sighed and shrugged it off with a shake of the head and a wow,-whose-phone-is-that? kind of look. By the third time, people were getting annoyed and would exchange disgusted looks with one another. And by the 6th, 7th, and 8th times, people started to voice their disgust. When the T.A. came by to check our student cards and record our signatures, the girl right in front of me said, "This is ridiculous, it's hard to write an exam when a phone keeps going off every second!" The T.A. replied, "Ya, it's tough..." (or something to that extent) and walked off without doing anything about it! Why wouldn't she go find the bag and give a quick announcement exclaiming, "Whose ever bag this is, turn off you're D@#% cell phone!" Side note: The T.A. was wearing a shirt that said "evil", with a heart replacing the dot in the "i"! That's not a t-shirt I want to see going into an exam...

Overall, the vibrate setting is not good enough, people. So please, have a little respect and enough decency to set your mobiles to silent for your exams! *Sigh*, Thank you!

Speaking of physics... click on the following link to check out an UNREAL physics display!! It's called: Creme that Egg!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sometimes Windows Break!

In the mean time of studying for my last midterm and getting all my Olympic vids organized, I just so happened to construct a quick must-see video in honour of my beloved brother. It was the night of the Canada vs. Russia quarter final hockey match-up, and we had company over (not for the game, but for medical students... although the game was the crowd-pleaser). Our dog (Ophelia) was outside, barking profusely, and my brother was fed up... his emotions resulted in him kicking his bedroom window multiple times to get Ophelia's attention. Instead of getting her attention, he caught his own by surprise when the window shattered! Here I am trying to report on the matter... Check it out!

p.s. I totally call Canada winning the Gold Medal in this video! NBD.

Sometimes Windows Break! from MannyG on Vimeo.

My Vimeo Favourites

Jump on the Bandwagon