Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Rant About Twitter

It's now time for a long over due, bottled-up (pro) Twitter rant. Enjoy...

I just surpassed 1,000 tweets yesterday. I find it interesting that I have sent out this many 140 character blurbs of personal thought, opinion, information, hype, etc. to whoever wishes to read them. But at the same time it doesn't surprise me. Why do I "tweet"? Mainly because it is just plain ol' fun. When I tweet, it is (almost 100%) the sharing of material in which I think is worthy of passing on. This includes things that are current, interesting, intriguing, funny, or knowledgeable. It could be something purely from myself or something that I re-tweeted from another user's contribution to the Twittersphere (the massively interconnected accessible cycle of tweets).

Twitter may just be the fastest, most current, and most updated news-feed in the world right now. Search for any topic and chances are that someone has tweeted about it. It is also an outlet for me to display what I am thinking or feeling at any given moment. Within personal limitations of what and what not to tweet, why wouldn't I share information with others that I think they would enjoy or find interesting?

To read another person's tweets is entirely your choice, so don't complain about how someone tweets too much (unless it clutters up your Twitter feed on your device, then it's okay). This leads me into my next point: Do not complain about Twitter if you do not have Twitter. Seriously, it's up there in annoyance with girlfriends who display undying affection for their boyfriends via Facebook statuses (and vice versa). You haven't experienced the true Twitter, if you've never tried it. I understand that there are those individuals who produce nonsense and those who are always seeking attention from celebrities and such, but that's with everything and everyone on the web these days!

Most people must have made fun of Facebook before signing up and experiencing the many benefits of such a social media concept. I myself was like, "Meh, sure. Why not?"

Life Lesson: Don't judge a book by it's cover.

Don't talk smack about something you've never tried or just dismiss it because you think it is stupid for one lame reason (which probably is irrelevant to you). People ask, "Why use Twitter when I can use Facebook?" *with an upward turn of the nose*. The fact is, Twitter is more direct and you can organize what you want to see in different lists (or news-feeds). Twitter IS useful. With a swipe of the screen I can find out (and/or distribute info) about breaking news, new music, business deals (marketing), sporting events, miscellaneous articles to read, clothing sales, contests, interesting or funny videos, jokes, what my favourite bands/artists/actors/athletes are doing, where they're roaming and what they're experiencing... and MUCH MORE!

... Remember when I won that free £100 bet from Sportingbet.com?! Yeaaaah, thanks Twitter.

Here's a quote for you:

"Twitter makes me like people I've never met and
Facebook makes me hate people I know in real life."
- @shaylamaddox

Read a short article about how Twitter is "less annoying" than Facebook HERE.

So please... don't bash Twitter in front of my face. To sign up and join is your choice, I'm not forcing anything upon you. I'm just defending a social media tool that I know is very, very, very convenient and informative.
If you're worried about privacy, just lock your account; so you choose who can see your stuff. It's as easy as that.

End Rant! *as I slap the floor* (instead of End Scene... get it?)

p.s. Again, I'm sorry for sharing some emotion and some built up, internal venting (as well as sounding like an outraged nerd).

Monday, June 27, 2011

Live in the Moment

Wow, I've been quite the absent blogger this month. I always think I will have time in the summer to do certain things, but that's just never the case. Summer seems to fly by and I am left wondering where all the time went... every year! However... this does not have to be the reality. I just need to make the time and make the things that I want to happen, happen! This includes music projects, video projects, hanging out with more people, writing about recent experiences, spending time with family more, etc. Some just never get done, but I can make more of an effort to try and complete the majority of them.

(... Confessions of a procrastinator)

On the other hand, I also believe that it is not very healthy to negatively dwell on what you could have done or should have done with your time.

I included this in one of my tweets earlier today (it was out of humour at first because I missed out on saying something profound for my 1,000th tweet)...

Life Lesson: Life is full of missed opportunities;
make the most out of what you don't miss.

What you don't miss is what you have at the present time as well as what you choose to follow through with. A missed opportunity (or favourable occasion) is only truly seen in hindsight, after the fact. Try to completely focus on what is given to you and on what you actually follow through with; whether it be at work, during time with family and friends, or just in doing what you love to do. Utilize it as best you can. You will with no doubt benefit from knowing that your full attention was anchored in the task at hand.

This is something that I have to work on. I get carried away thinking about what I could be doing instead of what I am doing, and this distracts me from the present reality. This means I am not giving a full effort and therefore am sometimes never reaching my true potential self at that time.
Appreciation is also something I sometimes dismiss. I let my mood dampen my look on things and I don't appreciate my family or friend's affection at all. Therefore I am blinded and am not really grateful like I should be. In the end I believe it just comes down to choice... I have to choose to live toward my complete potential in everything that I do (physically, socially, and mentally), for we reap what we sow.

To make a long vent short...

Life Lesson: Live in the moment.

Even now, why am I writing this? I could be using this time to work on something more productive. But then again, this is what I chose to do. So why not put in a worthy effort, right?

(... Confessions of a psychology major)

Just something to think about.

All that I have written somehow makes sense to me, but I may not have conveyed it properly.

What are your thoughts?

p.s. Sorry for sharing some emotion.

Monday, June 13, 2011


I've once again made CTV News while larviciding for mosquitoes. They even managed to catch me smirk/laugh at the fact that they were filming me for the second time in about a month. The funny thing is, they told us that they wanted to film us spraying a field but then only arrived when we finished the listing. So we were walking back and that's the shot that I was in. Another guy that they supposedly filmed for so long didn't even make the cut (and he would not stop talking about all the attention he was getting)! Funny stuff.

This time I didn't need the search expertise of Jill to find the video on their website (I did actually ask her for her help right before I found it though)! Take a look at the video here: CTV News

Anyways, besides being the "poster boy" of Insect Control (that's a joke), I have settled into the job pretty easily (anyone would). I'll share one funny story with y'all (even though there are plenty every day that just can't be put on here)...

Last week, we were at our last listing of the day before heading into the yard. It was an off-road property listing and amongst walking down the drive-way I mentioned to my driver that we may actually finish without throwing on a backpack of chemical! Almost everything has been "WNL" in the last week or so (meaning Water No Larvae), so we haven't had to use the packs. I jinxed it. We walked to the yard and happened to scare the home owner who was weed whacking. She was so thankful that we had come and she couldn't wait to show us all the water on the property (just great... the listing said only the tree/bush area, but she had other ideas). When she spoke I knew she had to be Latvian, based on my friend's accent (shout-out to my only Latvian friend, Agnese). She went on saying how they had dumped engine oil into their ditches already. I have never heard of that! She even mentioned how Javex worked like a charm and killed the larvae instantly. I laughed and said it probably kills everything else too! She would do anything to get rid of those pests. She also believed that mosquitoes can hatch in mud (with the Internet as her source). Hilarious! I assured her it wasn't true (while chuckling). After she was done, we put on the packs and let loose. With her questioning our overall spray job, I just wanted to tell her we weren't there to exterminate them (which would be impossible), we were there to control them!

So yeah, we run into a lot of interesting people on this job. I love it.

p.s. I bet you could guess where I wrote this post...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

A Congratulations Are In Order

I want to take a moment of everyone's precious time to congratulate one of my best friends, Mr. Ryan Malech. This man got engaged last month and since it is officially public now (via Facebook of course), I thought I'd dedicate this post to him. Cheers to you bro, you're awesome!

I am also extremely honoured, as I will be one of his groomsmen! Woooo! Lookin' forward to it! It's time to party party!

Ryan's public notice also means that I can release a particular video where I let it slip that he got engaged. So here are a couple hidden gems that I didn't post when we were doin' overnight sandbaggin'. And below them are our final group planking pictures that I promised (remember my '8 Crazy Nights' post?)! Enjoy.

(I couldn't help but laugh when I sensed that
Foreman Bill had popped his head out around the corner)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The New Era Commercials

I am literally tearing up right now as I watch these New Era baseball commercials! John Krasinski (The Office) and Alec Baldwin (30 Rock) make the best competitive duo! Take a look at the New Era site for more details. So good. Check out the "One-Hitter" one after this. Even more hilarious!

Ahhh, I just posted all of them because it's worth it!

The Bedroom Demos

Stars just released an album of demos from their '07 record, In Our Bedroom After The War. Here's the stream of it! Enjoy.

... and get a free download from the demo album here (if you wish):

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The NHL Is BACK!!!


It's been 15 years since Winnipeg has had their beloved Jets' NHL team and we've been wanting it back ever since. Flick on the TV, read the newspaper, check some Twitter or Facebook feeds. I shouldn't be the one tellin' you that they're BACK! WOOOOOO!

The winds were a-gustin' and the rain was a-peltin', but the crowds still gathered and celebrated this surreal occasion! Portage & Main (our famous downtown intersection) was apparently nuts, I wish I wandered over there.

Life Lesson: A monumental, historic moment gives people the right
to act like entitled maniacs.

People are crazy when they join together in mass numbers. I love it. It was just like the Olympics in Vancouver last year. Thank you, NHL; the city has just united like never before!

Disclaimer: I did get rowdier after this video! I am actually insanely pumped for this city to have it's pride and joy back! Awwwww YEAH!

p.s. I'm still a Leafs fan... Hahahaha

My Vimeo Favourites

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