Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Walmart Woes

Before floor hockey at McIvor Church this last Monday I needed to go out and buy a decent hockey stick for the upcoming season. I mainly needed to buy one because I had forgotten my beloved junior JOFA at home, but I think it is time to move on (it is literally half my size and I need to upgrade to a more suitable sized one {that's what she said...}). Anyways, my bud Andrew and I went to the closest store to buy the hockey stick and we ended up at Walmart. As we walked to the front doors an hilarious event happened to occur at that very moment. Two little pudgy kids (a sister and brother) were racing to their van. The sister won the race so she straight up said to her brother "HA, I win fatty!". A short burst of laughter came out of me. It was unreal, like it was in a movie.

We got to the sporting goods section and the hockey stick prices ranged from $6.00 to frickin' $48.73 (estimate). Of course I went for one of the cheapest sticks. I picked out the Orange Joe Sakic Easton Magnum. Right on! I nicknamed it the Dutch Magnum because of its colour... and my heritage. We got to the check-out 5 mins before our hockey started and we ended up waiting 10 mins because the stick didn't have a price tag! Oh Walmart. Whatever, I finally paid the $20.01 and then we were off to McIvor to play.

As I was waiting on the side to sub-in I looked down at my hands and noticed that they were stained orange. Weird. I then looked at my shirt and it had streaks of orange on it too. NO! My hockey stick was shedding its colour off! I couldn't believe it, I was disappointed with my Dutch Magnum. I didn't even play well with it. As Andrew and I exited the gym after the game, I looked down at the gym floor and there again were the dreaded streaks of orange! Wow, my stick definitely left its mark in that gym. Oops, I guess I got what I paid cheaply for. Next time I'll bring both my JOFA and Dutch Magnum and compare the two during game play. Sounds like a plan.


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