Friday, January 1, 2010

Cheers to the New Year/Decade

Well, it's now upon us! A new year has begun and a new decade is within our sight. I cannot wait to see what new opportunities await. This new year's eve I didn't do anything too exciting. I actually hung out with three others and played Settlers of Catan (the best board game ever). I didn't win either of the two games we played but it was still loads of fun (Life Lesson: You can, in fact, have fun without winning. Take bingo for example; I played tonight and did not win, but I do know that I had a fun time).

When there was 4 minutes to midnight we turned on Madonna and J.T.'s classic tune (hence the time) to count down the new year (fricka fricka 4 minutes!)! Next, we decided to do something that we've never done before while entering into a new year... us three lads decided to urinate in the time period connecting the years 2009 and 2010! Therefore we can now say that we have indeed, within one isolated session, experienced life in two different years while urinating simultaneously! (I would have said "peed", but I didn't because it was such a profound statement). We went outside, filmed it, and accomplished the feat. The other two lads smoothly did so, I however was not as clutch and cut in and out under the pressure from the nerve-racking 5 second count-down (it was not as satisfying; you can hear me yelling in the video, which will hopefully soon surface). When we were finished hanging out, I actually made an appearance at another party for the rest of my night and enjoyed the company there as well (thanks to C Flow and other Red Rockers).


Speaking of new year's celebrations, here's a vid from my '07-'08 new year's Europe endeavors. Cheers!

Manny & Dan's CHRiSTMAS BReAK! from MannyG on Vimeo.


  1. I would have gotten stage fright; I cannot "urinate" under pressure. Props, friend.

  2. Imagine my surprise when the neighbours called the next day to report what they saw!

  3. Hahah I was paranoid of the neighbours watching!


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