Saturday, July 24, 2010


One week down, two to GO!

WOW, one week of Providence Volleyball Camp is OVER! Weird... during the week it seemed like it was going by very slowly, but in an awesome way. There are two more weeks now and I'm just getting more excited! This last week we had the most campers ever in 99; they were all so cooperative, and that made the week a BLAST of a time.

For those of you who are still confused at why I'm at a volleyball camp and say: "You're a soccer BOY, MANNY!" I'll have you know that I'm a stellar v-ball coach (I do also enjoy playing volleyball)! My team: The Super Sonic SNIPPLETS, won the Volleyfest Championship this week! Thanks to them, I won it for the first time out of the 5 total weeks I've been a coach; and I was in the final for 3 of those, NBD. It was amazing to see my team grow together as one unit, as well as seeing each player grow with their individual skills.

Other highlights of the week include:

- Calling for my team in front of the whole camp and seeing them get embarrassed because of our name. I'd yell: "SNIPPLETS?"
What is a Snipplet anyways? Since you're probably wondering that as you read this, I'll tell you how we came to get that name... It was our first meal as a team and we had to make up our team name. Three of my teammates mentioned that we should be called the Snippers. I didn't hear them and thought that they had said the Snipplets. Super Sonic was added later and BAM, the best name in Prov Sports Camps history was created!

- Dressing up as Special Ops with Paul Warkentin and hiding in the trees and bushes on campus, scaring the campers, and chasing them in Capture the Flag!

- Sharing my testimony and some words of wisdom during chapel and also playing the jembe in the worship team!

- Dressing up like a mime on Parisian Night and playing a contestant in Prov's own Bachelorette game!

- And just dominating the campers in the Staff vs. Campers All-Star game!

There are probably a bunch more I could think of but I'll leave it with these major ones. Good times. Hopefully the next two weeks go just as well!

Here is a video that the Sung Knows crew put together of some of the camp rules, I'll post the other two (that I'm in) once Cam decides the right time to post them. It'll probs be after camps. I hope you enjoy RAP:

Leave Your Mark (Prov Rules Rap) from Nice Productions on Vimeo.

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