Friday, September 10, 2010

Some New Mewzik

What if music was spelled that way? Just a thought. It's weird/fascinating when you over think certain words.

Over the summer I have acquired a ridiculous amount of new music, ranging from chill folk to electronic pop to jazzy rap to how-do-you-describe-that?! Band of Horses' Infinite Arms, Dan Black's UN, and Vampire Weekend's Contra & Vampire Weekend, have been at the forefront recently. A strange mix, I know, but I love having a wide spread taste of music (except for country, though I know Band of Horses borders that line in some songs)!

I made it my mission last night to learn "Evening Kitchen" by Band of Horses on guitar. I love the harmonies and relaxing measures of this tune; genius:

Band Of Horses - Evening Kitchen by musicmule

I actually don't have any of this next group's albums, but I've loved their sound ever since I heard a song on a certain video game... *cough* FIFA *cough*! Röyksopp is a Norwegian band who has the definition of "chill" down to a tee. Especially in their up and coming album Senior, which is all instrumental! I love it, check it out below:

And if all that wasn't enough, check out this little mixtape that my boy Torq Campbell (from Stars) whipped up:

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  1. I really like Band of Horses. My bro-in-law gave me two of their albums at Xmas. I too am an avid disapprover of country and BoH does seem to be borderline every so often...unfortunate. BUT- I still support.

  2. Vampire weekend. I guess you're starting to make a play on life!!


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