Well, I didn't pull off the perfect wedding month but 3 in 3 straight weekends is preeeetty close! Time for a quick, few sentence summary of each... but first:
Life Lesson: If in doubt, collaborate when it comes to wedding gifts... especially if you're not family.
One thing I've learned, is that you feel way less pressure and more secure with a group rather than going solo in giving a wedding gift. Who wouldn't want to receive a gift from a bunch of friends, that shows love and appreciation with compiled thoughts and efforts! I'm not bashing individual gift giving... there's just power with numbers, you know?!
Alright, here's the summary... First wedding: Jesse Lofthouse & Jennifer Parker!
You already know it's going to be fun when you recognize and know over half of the people that are going to be there. And it was. This was the only wedding I went to this month that had a dance... and it was a blast. Actually my last one did too but I had to leave before it sadly. At times it felt like a rave due to the compactness on the floor. Fun times.
Second wedding: Owen Woodyard & Lorraine Fast!
This was my out of town wedding as I headed out west to Blaine, Washington. Small wedding, but included a significant amount of Bodenseehofers! So it doubled as a Bible School reunion. It was nice to see these people who I haven't seen in a few years and interact with them as if the absence never happened. Fun times. When Owen and Lorraine left after the ceremony and reception, they had people blowing bubbles in a gauntlet line outside as they rushed through. It was very creative. Here's a piece of that event:
Third wedding: Stephen Koop & Aymee Rahn!

This was another half Bodenseehof wedding (as in only the bride was at the Bode) but there was only a few of us from the Bible School who were able to make it. I didn't know many people at this wedding, but it was fun nonetheless. The cakes at the reception were UNREAL! I didn't get around to the Oreo cheesecake though, which I am deeply disappointed about.
Fun fact of the reception hall: I was fascinated by the bathroom technology; finally they are making the doors motion sensored! You wave your hand over the sensor on the wall and open sesame. Brilliant and about time!
Also, here is a priceless clip I captured of some children warming up on the dance floor:
Fun fact of the reception hall: I was fascinated by the bathroom technology; finally they are making the doors motion sensored! You wave your hand over the sensor on the wall and open sesame. Brilliant and about time!
Also, here is a priceless clip I captured of some children warming up on the dance floor:
My next potential wedding won't be till February.
Can't wait.
P.s. I'm going to miss wedding food.
cheers manny! group gifts are the best to receive too! (looking from the other perspective!) jess and i had so much fun at the wedding... imagine knowing EVERYONE at the wedding? hahaha so great. thanks for the dr. pep tonight... i'm drinking one as we speak!