WOW, I am DONE another term! Boom, I'm so relieved. Yesterday I realized that I haven't done a Song Studying Session in a very long time, so I decided to capture a certain section of my Child Development course text-book, and share it... in song. Object permanence happened to be the subject on hand, so, here we go again; check out my third installment of Song Studying! I took footage from two improv takes and meshed them together to get a somewhat funny, creative outcome... Enjoy! Ignore the bad editing in the beginning, it was my first time using iMovie...
Object Permanence (Song Studying) from MannyG on Vimeo.
p.s. Shout-out to Joel Eisner who is the biggest Song Studying fan. This is for YOU; and any other procrastinating/cramming/tired-of-school student!
You bring new life to the art of studying procrastination!! Thanks for making me smile....I mean laugh out loud.