Friday, March 11, 2011

Love Him or Hate Him

"Love him or hate him, he is a huge part of Survivor history." - Jeff Probst
(host and executive producer of Survivor)

True that! It was a massive shock to see Russell Hantz voted off and eventually beaten on Redemption Island throughout the last two episodes. Once he was voted off I knew that's where I thought he would dominate. Using his one-on-one, manipulative skill to become King of the island; coming back to inevitably haunt those that excommunicated him. Russell shook up the game (especially in his first two appearances), giving it an edge that it has never had. Now that he's gone, it won't be the same. It didn't help that the other players knew how he played the game (i.e. lying, stealing, back-stabbing, or basically anything villainous you can think of), so he was targeted right from the get go... it's the only fault of the season. On the other hand, Boston Rob seems to have his tribe under his thumb! We'll see if he can keep up his entertaining antics to make up for Russell's absence... but then again, there is this quirky "formal federal agent" named Phillip that can cause a ruckus as well. I have a feeling that the best is yet to come!

Yes, I have become a Survivor nerd and have been hooked the last few seasons. It just captivates me, seeing these "somewhat regular people" stretched to their limits physically, mentally, and socially! Plus I admire the effort it takes from hundreds of crew members behind the scenes to make a production like this flow. Now with youtube, blogs, and twitter, everything is essentially accessible; so the mere fact that I feel like Jeff Probst is talking directly to me via social networking... makes it all personal. There is no iron clad curtain separating a monstrous production like Survivor from the fans anymore. It's great and makes for a show-fan relationship like we've never seen before.

If you care enough for Survivor (like me) and would watch a 15 minute, Jeff Probst conducted interview with Russell, then check this out. It's amazing how a game (even though it's a massive publicity act with a potential million dollar prize) can consume a person and become their passion... Oh and I love the informality of this interview:

For more info about behind the scenes stuff, check out
Such a COOL GUY!

p.s. When will they allow Canadians to audition?!

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