Thursday, April 21, 2011

School's OUT!

Wow, I can't even describe how happy I am now that my final exams are done with. University is OUT and a change of pace is exactly what I am needing! "Summer" is officially here and I'm loving it, especially because I am completely free to enjoy this NHL & NBA playoff entertaining action that is goin' on.

I start work with the city in a week and a half and am proud to say that I will once again be working with my man Malech! A couple summers ago I blogged about some of our funny work scenarios when we both painted together; but now, thanks to our friend Dan... Malech, my awesome cousin Charles, Dan, and I will be working together for the Insect Control Branch of Winnipeg. Gonna be goooood. I'm sure there'll be some interesting stories to share!

I don't know how many of you played Pokemon on their Gameboys like I did... but as a tribute to being done school, I'll leave you with a hilarious video that my friend Phil shared:


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