To go over my Invertebrates Lab 3 outline before my third lab, or not to go over my Invertebrates Lab 3 outline before my third lab? You know what the answer should be, but as I find myself snacking on carrots and typing away at this post, I don't think it's going to happen...
I am on the last leg of my (undergrad) degree! My final term is packed however, so hopefully I don't dig myself too deep in my usual procrastinating trench. Though, since I'm having to endure 4 Biology courses to fulfill a minor in one term (plus my last Psych req.), it just may be bound to happen!
As I gradually come to the end of my undergrad, the constant ever so lurking questions are: "So what's next? What are you going to pursue afterwards? Masters?" Before I attempt to answer these, I always smile and think of how I will finally leave the main campus--overpopulated by those of whom I see as teenyboppers and prepubescent children--and start a new exciting chapter of my life. On the other side, this in turn makes me feel "older" and "not that accomplished"; especially when I see a 17 year-old starting for Liverpool FC, or a 20 year-old signing a 5-year, 31 million dollar contract in the NHL (*fingers crossed for a season this year*)... But I guess it depends on your definition of "accomplished" (and I don't feel like getting that deep here).
So what is next? The truth is: I'm not sure. I live in the moment (maybe too much at times), and have always taken life one step at a time. I'm excited to see what will come my way, but I also realize that I have to meet it (whatever that "what" is) in the middle too. ... I have to focus on graduating first though!
Here are some more things that are keeping me preoccupied from looking over my lab:
All I've heard about in recent days, through friends and strangers, is how Replacement Refs have ruined the NFL, and how the new Mumford & Sons album, 'Babel', is finally out. Both are great news. The NFL Replacement Refs have become a strange, unbelievable phenomenon. The outrageous calls and extremely unlikely mishaps that have happened over the last couple of weeks are an amazing form of entertainment to a pseudo-fan, like myself.
As for Mumford & Sons new album, I can't wait to hear it. It's remarkable how they've reached a fan base that spreads way outside of their genre. They truly are a musical epidemic.
Anyway, now I'm off to my Invertebrates Lab.
Ciao for now.
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