Sunday, July 19, 2009

Coach Extraordinaire

Today I embark on a new adventure. One that I have experienced as a camper but now I experience it as a coach/counsellor. I am looking forward to my upcoming time at Providence Sports Camps as I meet fresh faces and hopefully make a positive impact on the lives of those around me. With only one season of coaching high school soccer under my belt I am now expanding my career as a coach to volleyball. I am very excited because I want to get back into my old volleyball self as I have not played for around two years now (I'm hoping the rust rubs off as soon as possible, it might be embarrassing)! Here's another reason why I'm pumped: My long time friend and co-worker (Ryan Malech) from Chromatic Painting is also going to be my co-coach/counsellor at Prov! I just love how about 3 years ago we both decided that we were gonna be the only ones who didn't get a job and just hang out all summer. Now, we are hanging out all summer but making money in the processss! It's the best.
Since I will be heading out in a few hours time I just wanted to get one entry in for the week to let my peeps [people] know what I am up to. I'm sure I will receive quite a lot to blog about, so stay posted for some stellar story tellin'. Sadly, I don't believe I will have time during the week to post any entries, so hopefully I can get a couple up on the weekends. I ask and would love for you to pray for me as I begin this sports ministry. Danke (THANKS).

Tschüss!!!!! (Bye in German) ...At least for the week.

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