Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Good news... I did not have to work this morning!!! I was so relieved when I got the call from my boss. You may be wondering and therefore asking: "Why were you so relieved, Manny?" Let me tell you. Last night I decided to attend the midnight premier of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Yes, I am a fan and have read all the books. I thought it would be appropriate to see the film on it's premier even if I did have work the next day. My co-worker (Ryan Malech) decided to go as well (at a different theatre) so we probs [probably] would not have gotten much done in the morning anyways!
I ended up going with my bro and his friend. Assuming that the queue was going to be unreal, we headed out earlier and got to the theatre for 9:45pm. This was not necessary. By 10:45pm there was still not that many people behind us (though the line did have quite a large diameter, mabes [maybe] 20 feet). Now no one likes to stand in line for hours, so I brought my iPod to listen to my tunes to pass the time. I guess I could have watched Batman: The Dark Knight on my iPod... why did I just think of that now?! Whatevs [whatever], my bro brought his Nintendo DS Gameboy so I was able to play some Mario Tennis as well (not as good as the classic N64 version). That's right, we came prepared for the long wait. As I was listening to my tunes I was bored and therefore scanned the premises and landed my eyes on a new concession stand in the theatre. PIZZA PIZZA! Wow, this is my favourite pizza; when I moved to Manitoba I was crushed because Pizza Pizza was only in Ontario. I planned to purchase this incredible pizza after we claimed our seats.
The clock struck 11:05pm and suddenly there was a shriek and the mob/line began to flow. By flow, I mean like a rushing raging river with rapids galore (beautiful alliteration)! People were sprinting to get to the auditorium, I hadn't seen anything like it (I kept it cool of course and sent my brother and his friend to madly dash for seats). I'm telling you, it was a human stampede (kinda reminded me of the running of the bulls). Phew, we got good seats. Half way up on the side closest to the aisle we were... prime seating (props to my scouts). My Pizza Pizza craving had made itself known again so I headed out to retrieve three slices for my crew. When I got to the concession stands a man with a megaphone was addressing the other line-up (I couldn't believe that they weren't let in yet). I had to watch this. They literally marched them in to their auditorium to prevent what had happened in our experience (which was a dilemma). These people were just pumped for Potter. I was a little disappointed that I saw nobody dressed up in robes. There weren't even any fake stuffed owls or anything! My excuse was that I was dressed up as a muggle (non-magic folk), I thought that would suffice. Anyways... I got back to my seat and settled in. I whipped out my secret Ziploc bag stash of Smarties and a juice box and feasted until the movie began.
There is something about movie premiers that just gets people riled up. I mean there's always the people who yell and try to make themselves heard. Why? Don't know, but I happened to be one of them. The trailer for New Moon was shown in the previews and people started to cheer, gasp and gawk. Naturally, I piped up and said, "Com'on! We're here for Harry Potter!" This one guy a row below me heard and decided to repeat my words but in a much louder yell. It got a good reaction, I was proud. It was time for the movie to begin. Everyone was excited and could not help but yelp with joy. As the joyous cheers died down the funniest thing happened. One man way at the back decided to put in his two cents of humour. He cried out, "You Shall Not Pass!" There was an instant roar of laughter. That made my day. During one of the scenes Dumbledore actually strikingly resembled the exact image of Gandalf too!
I really liked the movie. It was quite hilarious and was able to capture the best of romantic awkward relationship humour. Hormones definitely dominated the theme of this movie. I also never thought that Butter Beer was alcoholic... you'll know when you see the scene. It has been at least four years since I have read the sixth book so I did not remember every single detail that was left out. Who cares, they can't get everything right! Overall... good show!


  1. i went dressed up for the third one...
    if that makes you feel better:)
    AND i would have gone dressed to this one too...however, no one wanted to dress up with me.

  2. Props to you. I would probably only dress up if the movie was out for a few months already!! It's more fun that way.


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