Thursday, August 6, 2009

Magnificent Milestone

WOOOHOOOO! We did it! Pat yourselves on the back. My blog has just hit a magnificent milestone. Congrats [congratulations] to all of my audience. I will celebrate with one of those anniversary give aways that all those companies do. Whoever wishes to do so may redeem their imaginary voucher for a free hug from yours truly, Manuel. Enjoy!

p.s. I'M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW (Get Smart anyone? Steve Carell is the BEST!)!


  1. I want my free hug on wednesday.

  2. i pressed it three times!!!
    but hey
    i do read your blog..though..just incase you were wondering buddeh :D

  3. CONGRATS MANNY (fresh)! Just to let you know i clicked on that link a couple times to boost your numbers! im so proud of you bud!

  4. Oh Gawrsh guys! My heart is glowing with appreciation.


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