Sunday, August 23, 2009

U.S.A Vacay Pt. 2: Poker, Time Elapsed Photography, and Parkouring

Well, last Wednesday night was a packed night as you could have guessed from the title of this entry! Yes, we did those three things in one night and it was a blast.
It originally was only going to be a guy's poker night but when we realised how boring the game had gotten we all went all-in to be finished (this part was actually quite fun, just going all-in blindly). We ended up with no winner at all because the dealer's 5 cards were higher than both of the player's two cards, so they tied! It still confuses me but I guess they have to play their 5 highest cards and since the five from the deck were the highest both player's had the same hand. Unreal.
It was around 10:00pm and we were all pretty tired, Danny then suggested we should take some sweet night shots with his new camera. Hecka sweet idea (okay, so Californians now say Hella to describe things; but my friend says Hecka, which sounds sweeter, and it's rubbing off on me). We all took out our cell phones and drew many scenes made possible by the time elapse option. The scenes included writing all our names, Kyle shooting out lightning from his hands, myself outlined with glowing whiteness, and Kyle riding an outline of a bicycle. It looks pretty awesome. Then the camera's battery died.
We needed something else to do. We had found this new energy from doing something different (the crazy photography). Parkouring (free-running) was mentioned and it was settled. Gary had glow sticks in his trunk, so he pulled those out and we of course utilized them. Game on, it was time to run free. There was this massive junior high school down the street and it was perfect for climbing. It was like a mini university campus! As we scampered around the grounds and gallivanted upon the roofs it felt like we were back in the prime of our childhood. We later on added an extra element to boost our fun. Remember the glow sticks? Well, we all adopted a member of the Power Rangers and pretended to fight the evil of the campus. Hilarious. Imagine 5 twenty year olds running around climbing on random things and yelling Power Ranger quotes. Ya, it was the best.
Looking back on that night, I can truly say, it was a great night. Spontaneous nights are always a good time.

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