My chapter at Providence College has come to an end this year (not necessarily for good tho...). Playing soccer is one of my most favourite things in the world and I had the chance to do so at Prov and I am so grateful; I can't express it enough! Each and every teammate influenced me in a positive way and I had a great time on road trips laughin' my head off and playing my fave sport. Wow, my whole time at the college was quite the fun experience, maybe minus the zoned out 40 minute drives back and forth from the school, but whatevs it was well worth it! My exams went decently well and now I'm just super stress free and loving it (except I have to register for UofM!). I also have time to do whatever I want! So now it is time to party, party.
Speakin' of Party, Party, this is the title of a certain spectacular song by the best man (stage name: Saint Kristoffer) at the wedding I went to last night! It was played twice on the dance floor and the reactions each time it began were priceless. I totally recommend the song and in fact, you can download it right here! Patti Parker & Graham Bodnar's big day was such a blast to be a part of! We all danced up a storm, it was UNREAL (especially seeing Graham rap to Vanilla Ice)! Cheers to everybody who set up that special day!
Now, I must start a new career of sport. Yes, I am starting to play Sponge Hockey tonight!!! I'm excited and I actually have to leave right now to get the special shoes to play in! Also, tomorrow is a highly anticipated bingo night (it has been forever since we've played) in honour of Josh Dyck who has returned to these parts for Christmas! Come out to Regent Casino at 10pm on Monday night! It'll be a blast.
party party = party song of the YEAR!