Saturday, December 5, 2009


Yesterday at the Providence v Red River Men's Volleyball game, I made a ridiculous literal name-calling mistake. I thought one of the guys on the Prov team was named Scott, so when he got a kill I yelled out: "Good hit, Scotty!" I was so sure his name was Scott, that I called him Scotty. His actual name is Delmer, and wow, I got that very wrong. I think I went three and a half sets of calling him Scotty. When I realized that I was calling Delmer - Scott the whole game, I could not believe the two guys beside me didn't tell me! Thanks Mike and Joel (...NOT). It's bad because I know Delmer (a little bit... ya no, we're just acquaintances) and I hope he didn't know I was calling him Scotty. Actually, the worst part about this little dilemma is that Scott, who I thought was Delmer, is not named Scott at all. His name is Steve. IDIOT. I swear Steve kinda looks like Delmer. Good thing Steve is really on the Volleyball team, or I'd be a total idiot; he just wasn't there that game. Maybe I was calling Delmer - Scott and thinking Steve was Scott because I was overall thinking of Scott Masterson, who is the athletic director for Prov. Though that doesn't make much sense because he wouldn't be playing on the team anyway! And even though Steve and Delmer look kind of a like (at least I think so), Scott doesn't look like either of them but kinda has the same hair as Paul instead! So really, I should have been calling Paul - Scotty! This is confusing, I know, but just think it over and it should make some sense.

Anyways, a bunch of us had a good laugh about it last night at the Kings Head. Today however, I experienced a little bit of Karma from last night's name-calling pickle. I was at Safeway picking up a turkey for a Super Seven event (you may hear about this later) and when I got to the register I told the cashier my phone number like always. She punched in the number wrong and because of this, called me the wrong name when I turned to leave. She said, "Have a good night Mr. Peter." I didn't correct her, I went on my way and gave a little chuckle just thinking about it (I love the thought of having an alias). When I got home I checked the receipt and it said Posey Peter on it as the name of the customer! Now that's quite the name and I guess it serves me right considering my own mis-namings from yesterday.


  1. i love it. all of it.

    also, the video from your last post automatically plays once the page is opened, BUT it has to wait to buffer, so both times that i've opened your blog, i'm halfway thru your post and SUDDENLY crazy noises start happening and i can't figure it out. it scared the crap out of me this last time cuz it was so quiet in my house......posey.

  2. Haha nice. Ya I purposely did that but don't worry, I fixed it! I'll autoplay the National song vid I have, that'll be a good relaxing chill display song for my blog.

  3. I was there and that was kind of confusing to read. Funny nonetheless, Scotty.

    Your never going to live this down!


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