Friday, March 19, 2010

Musical Influence

Today marks a significant milestone for my blog! The Century mark of postings has finally arrived for Manuel's Life Lessons! There is no better way to celebrate than to thank my Dad for passing on his musical traits and to also show the world some of his son's work. My Dad has been a major influence for me and my musical self, so this is somewhat of a tribute to him... partly because he's letting me drum for a recording of his called: Red River Risin' (keep your radios tuned to CBC... *hint, hint*)! This milestone also marks the starting point for my Olympic Coverage! You will hear plenty of stories and see priceless footage in the posts to come from my Van City Olympic experience!!! (Shout out: DMS, you shall bask in the spotlight soon my friend, and you will receive much praise!).

As this is my 100th post, I will now premier my Song Studying Part II video entitled: The Bridge of the Leahy Brothers! If you've already watched it on Vimeo, congratulations, you are a V.I.P. and an M.V.P. in my life and I am deeply honoured. Check it OUT!

Song Studying Part II: The Bridge of the Leahy Brothers from MannyG on Vimeo.

I was playing around with my song: The Leahy Brothers, and I created this bridge for it. My brother is in love with this song and is my number one fan, so I will ultimately get a vid of him and I singing it together... but for now, check it out and enjoy!
p.s. Notice the background of this video? I am at the location where our only tribal-esque art piece in the house resides!

My dad actually is the one clapping at the end of the video, he caught me by surprise. I should also say that my brother will be making an appearance for the final product of this song... yes, it will include harmonics (if you've called me and reached my voice mail, you know what I'm talking about)! Willie is in fact at a Jazz festival as I am typing this. He has the voice of an angel.
On another note... here's a sneak peek of what's to come on my blog for our recording sessions that have been going down. One word: Vlog (is it even a legitimate word yet?!)... stay tuned.


My Vimeo Favourites

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