Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wavin' Flag

K'naan has officially been given his big break with this tune! It's super catchy and I love it. I don't know how many remixes there are (there's a lot), but here are two significant ones. The first one here is for Haiti relief and features 50+ Canadian artists (Emily Haines and Jimmy Shaw [Metric], Sam Roberts, Lights, Drake, Arkells, Torquil Campbell [Stars], Broken Social Scene, and Jay Malinowski [Bedouin Soundclash] are really the only ones I care about... but there are plenty more!); this project is just incredible. Check it out!

Here is the remix of the same song which was chosen as the official song for the World Cup!! I'm SO pumped for the World Cup! Every time I listen to this song I get goose bumps and shivers. This video is ridiculously inspirational! Check it OUT!

K'NAAN "Waving Flag" -Celebration mix- Dir: NABIL from nabil elderkin on Vimeo.

That's weird, it was a public video just two days ago! But anyway, here is the live version. Get PUMPED!

p.s. My next post is my 100th! The Century Milestone has finally graced Manuel's Life Lessons with it's presence! I'll celebrate with the release of my Song Studying Part II video... it's fitting because of my current situation, as I am recording with my dad. Stay tuned, it should air tomorrow!

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