Anyways, Sunday was Father's day and I didn't even post a shout-out to my DAD! So here it is: You're awesome Dad. Thanks for everything and I love you A LOT.
I got him a sweet vibration guitar tuner and new (much needed) strings! Can't wait to try 'em out!
Life Lesson: An excellent gift is one that is also very useful for yourself! Remember that.
Sunday was also my older sister's birthday! So HAPPY BDAY Jessss! Check out her sweet fashion, designs, and ideas at her blog here: Silly Goose & here: Society6, Silly Goose!
Now today is my younger sister's birthday! So HAPPY BDAY Kirsti! Fun fact of her last week's California trip: She ran into the one and only Miley Cyrus in a Forever 21 store in Pasadena! UNREAL! They were wearing the same sunglasses (Miley didn't have the courtesy to take hers off though...)! Check it:

What an ungrateful celebrity. She meets a Goossen and she doesn't even take off her sunglasses?! COM'ON! Disrespectful youngin'.
As for my special day; when I was younger I was always upset that my sister's would get all my parent's attention around this time. It was their birthdays after all. So I claimed the day in between their birthdays as MY SPECIAL DAY (June 21st)! They didn't like that so much, but I have actually kept celebrating it to this day! So yesterday was my special day. Yessssss.
As for my special day; when I was younger I was always upset that my sister's would get all my parent's attention around this time. It was their birthdays after all. So I claimed the day in between their birthdays as MY SPECIAL DAY (June 21st)! They didn't like that so much, but I have actually kept celebrating it to this day! So yesterday was my special day. Yessssss.
so sweet! (Miley and your sister!) I couldn't tell which one was the celeb! They're both gorg.