Thursday, June 3, 2010

Shad - TSOL

I just picked up this fine new album today. After work, I headed to the mall on a mission: I NEED TSOL! Shad K. was on Q with Jion Ghomeshi yesterday, talking about his new album and his current happenings. While listening, I realized that he's such an awesome guy (listen to the June 2nd interview here). Shadrach Kabango was born in Kenya, but was raised in London, Ontario! Just like myself (well, I wasn't born in Kenya...)!! Sweet city, might I add. I only heard about him after the Olympics because (during a free Robson square concert) I caught that Hey Ocean! CD, and he was featured in one of their songs (Vagabond = so good)! After that, Shad was once again brought to my attention by I certain post from C-Flow, back in April. Much appreciated, I love his work.

I had the privilege of seeing Shad in concert last week. He was incredible. That night, the Pyramid held one of the weirdest crowds ever; it was quite the sight. All shapes, colours, and sizes were rappin' along with Shad. I loved it. Well, except for the times when the 7'0" beast of a man and his 6'7" girlfriend pushed their way to the front of the stage just to get a picture of Shad (and themselves, Myspace style)... For his encore, he spilled into the crowd and a massive, moshing crowd ensued. Good sweaty times, my friends.

Here's Rose Garden from his new album:

Shad's ability to write clean, witty, poetic and powerful lyrics is very impressive; plus, he can deliver them with a one-of-a-kind uniqueness. By listenin' to his music, you can tell that he's a genuine person. Here he is, humbly struttin' his stuff:


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