So, this post involves some good news and some disappointing news. First with the not so fun news: It turns out that I won't be able to post those study break entries I promised until after all my exams (well, it's disappointing for me at least)! I've been swamped, dealing with the stress and anxieties of finals; spending all of my time this past week leaning over my wretched text books. It's either that, or I'm thinking of how I should be studying, really, at every opportunity possible... disgusting. I loathe studying and I detest exams (who doesn't, really?)!! It doesn't help when you're a major procrastinator like me... There, I'm done with the minor vent/rant.
On another note, two days ago marked Manuel's Life Lessons' ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of being a blog!!!! Before, it was just a high school, grad class, skip-day/night-party joke that some friends and I created after I said something thoughtful and witty, yet cliche. It's kind of funny how my first ever post was about procrastinating during exams and now I'm doing it again (click here to read my first post ever!)! So... I should really get back to studying Anthropology. I may just write another song... who knows!
One last thing; I'm not gonna lie, I love to blog. Hopefully I keep this pseudo hobby up and running for quite some time. Cheers!
p.s. Soon I'll be able to Party, PARTY!
job well done....Happy One year......may the lessons in year two be just as thoughtful and witty.