Friday, April 16, 2010

Study Break (Webisode 3 from Stars) Plus Stuff on the Way

This just in from Stars...

It's 9:42pm right now on a Friday night! What am I doing here at the UofM library you may ask? Trying to study! Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do! Although... I must take a break every twenty minutes right?

I can't wait for school to be done with so I can get to these projects of mine:
1) Olympic Fever - Mini Vlog Series!!!!
2) Red River Risin', The Making Of Vlog!!!!
3) Song Studying: Complete version of "The Leahy Brothers" featuring my bro Willie.
4) More Songs of Studying - A tribute-to-finishing-exams video!

I'll probably also post C-Flow's sweet vids from our interview with Royal Canoe soon too (as a study break post, you know?). I will also do a shout out post to Reims for giving me a place in her magnificent new Black Mag! But ya, don't worry... I'm not dead.

1 comment:

  1. THANK you for getting me more and more pumped for the new album. Your list of to-do's seems to be piling up Manny-o haha. Gives me another reason to look forward to the end of school to see the result of the list! lol.
    (Thanks for the intro-shout-out)


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