Monday, April 12, 2010

Red River Risin'

Well, it's Spring in these parts and that means one thing: The Red River is rising (or was) here in Manitoba! Last year we had quite the scare as we experienced the most flooding since our famous '97 disaster. My family, a bunch of buds, and I all volunteered with the much needed sandbagging in Winnipeg. It's funny how a potential crisis can bring the community together! It was actually quite fun and it was awesome interacting with neighbours and fellow citizens!

My dad wrote this magnificent tune last year during that time. It is also a tribute to the '97 flood with a unique humourous touch. This song was only recorded live last April at The Meeting Place (my Church in downtown Winnipeg) during a CMDS (Christian Medical and Dental Society) coffee house show-type gathering. Now, this past March, my dad decided to legitimately record this sweet thing and get some others and I involved! He went back to his friend's ol' studio: Apple Blossom Sounds (it's such a sweet Man-Cave... you'll see; Vlog to come!), where he recorded his last album: Booster Shot, and then it all fell into place from there! We finished mixing the song on March 27th and then started to get the recording out to radio stations in the days right after. It was played on Hot 103's Ace Burpee Morning Show around 9:30 am on March 29th!! I can now officially and truly say that my music has been played on the radio! It reminds me of the awesome movie: That Thing You Do... SO GOOD! I also documented a lot of our recording experience... so stay tuned and be ready for: Red River Risin', The Making Of... the Vlog!!!

So here we go! I hope you enjoy this groovin', jazzy number from Randy Goossen and Company! Check it OUT and enjoy (watch 'til the end to receive a sneak peak of my documenting footage and also some wise, reflecting words from the one and only, my father, Randy Goossen):

Red River Risin' from MannyG on Vimeo.

p.s. I don't know if you've noticed, BUT, I have changed my main blog picture once again! It's Spring! Enjoy the nice weather! As for myself, I'll try... I have to get down to some immense studying during these next two weeks. So don't expect much from Manuel's Life Lesson's until after! Peace.

1 comment:

  1. that a sax solo in there or what? (Nice work on the radio play!)
    Also, sa-weet photo update.


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