This changes everything. Again. Apparently.
Well, I think it's time that I review my new phone, from my new phone! I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to post this normally, but I've figured that this thing can't fully function as my computer... just yet! I can't seem to post video or photos from the phone on to this post, but whatever, I may decide to put some visuals up after this whole write UP.
Alright, first I'll cover some of the "issues" that have been swirling around every social circle since this phone's release, the one problem I had with the software, and one thing Apple should just drop. So here we go:
1) The infamous signal drop. If you hold it like a "regular" mobile device it'll drop your call. I'm sorry, but I don't bury my phone in the palm of my hand like I'm ready to toss a grenade! I never had any problems with the signal dropping in the whole month that I had my phone without a case. But I'm grateful for the "issue", because I got a free case out of it and now my phone has some protection (even though it doesn't look as sexy now)! I'm Mennonite, I love free stuff.
2) I for sure knew that I had picture/video messaging with my student plan, but every picture I sent (even though it said it did) never got to the recipient! This isn't an essential feature, but it is fun to use sometimes and I AM paying for it. I finally called tech support and apparently I never had an account on the server. It's suppose to make one for me after I send my first pic/vid, but that never happened. Anyways, the guy on the other end who had a severe cold got it working for me and that was that! Good job Rogers.
3) I can't run Adobe Flash videos or other Adobe based widgets on the iPhone. Check that; NO ONE CAN! This is because Apple has some block on Adobe, presumably due to having their own multimedia platform of QuickTime. Pretty stupid, but I can live without.
Now for the pros! I won't go into too much detail because there's so much you can do (and also because I can't type as fast on this iPhone keyboard)!! But now I will share what I've enjoyed the most about this phone thus far. Here we GO:
>1) Hmmm what should I start with? Well, the main new thing for Apple's new baby is that it features FaceTime. Another camera, this time planted on the face of the phone!! NO WAY! ... I love to hype things up. It
is pretty neat, though it does only really work with a WiFi connection. Apparently it is a free call when you do use it though, so long distance charges do not apply. Thanks Monica for that pleasant piece of info! Nice rice. The only downside is that I can't use it while on Skype.
2) The 5 mega pixel camera! You might say, "That's not that impressive for a camera," but we're talking about a PHONE here! It's pretty spectacular; the quality of shots that I'm able to take is quite decent. You can zoom and focus with the tap of your finger; oh, and the flash from the built in LED light is unbelievably bright. It also shoots pretty decent HD video as well. I don't have iMovie right now though, so I won't be collaborating much footage at this time; but once I do... look OUT! Also, the FaceTime camera is also available for pictures and video, though it doesn't have the same quality.
3) Typing. I'm considering this a pro due to the sole fact that it is indeed super intelligent. I don't need to be precise and it knows what I want to type! It's super forgiving and is super convenient.
4) Copy and Paste! It's as simple as that. So convenient, I love it.
5) Multitasking. Wow, this is one of the best new features of the new software. Double clicking the home button brings up your recently visited apps! This means you will never forget what you were just doing when some notification visual/sound distracts you, resulting in you following suit in checking it out! Also, if you slide left initially on the home multitask bar, the iPod button and controls come up as well as a lock screen button. It's insanely useful.
6) My music. I needed a new iPod/music player (to be fair) anyways, and the iPhone gives me that and more. It's amazing how I can make any playlist I want on my phone too. Oh, and Genius playlists are actually genius.
7) Pseudo hands free calling in my car. Let me explain... Because I hook up my phone to my tape adapter via the headphones jack, I am able to hear voicecalls through my car's speaker system!! The iPhone mic has a pretty strong pick-up, so I am able to hold my phone out of sight while talking into it! Brilliant. Why didn't you think of that?! Voice control is the key factor and helps a lot with calling and changing music.
8) Scratch proof screen. Wonderful, especially for a clean/take care of things freak like me! Not to mention it's the highest-resolution screen ever for a phone.
Honourable mentions include: Organization with folders, home screen web clip bookmarking, online image saving, various sharing options, social networking, sports news, and the ability to play Settlers of Catan... ON MY PHONE! Yes, there's an app for that.
There are many more things that I'm missing, but I'll just conclude and summarize by saying that this phone is UNREAL! Yes, I am addicted and I may need help.
