Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rondo vs. Bolt

My last few posts have been frightfully long (yes I did just say frightfully). I'll try to keep it shorter and just as sweet for the comfort and pleasure of my viewers.
So I've debated a few times about those G Gatorade commercials. The soulja boy like dancer is either Rajon Rondo from the Boston Celtics or the Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt. From a glance it looks like Rajon to me! Although I hear Bolt does that dance every time he races; so it looks like I'll have to look it up.
... Just did, I guess I'm wrong... DANG YO. I hate it when I am wrong. I should be in that commercial, my last name starts with G, I'm an athlete, therefore I'm the perfect candidate. What's G? The seventh letter of the alphabet (I totally had to do the finger count)! Stupid Gatorade.

p.s. I was lookin' at Volkswagens yesterday at the dealership and when I peered into the show room I took a double take to find the soccer [football] striker my team played against in the CBC Soccer Day in Canada tourney [tournament] final. He ended up getting MVP [Most Valuable Player] (You should know that) and he was a fast little bugger too. Anyways, he was vacuuming the dealership! Random eh? It's strange how you can run into anybody in a big city.

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