Thursday, June 11, 2009

Scraping and Sanding Surprises

Yo (isn't alliteration fun?). Today was a tedious day of work. Ridic [ridiculous] actually. Note that I only place square parenthesis around the abbreves because there may be an older audience reading my blog that is not caught up on these social times. Now, at work I had to scrape and sand this one fence for 8 hours. This isn't any ordinary fence, it's a lattice fence and wow why do they exist? This one is especially pointless because it's not even guarding anything and is definitely just for decoration. Who wants a 10 foot fence as a decoration? Well, maybe when I'm retired just 'cause I could have one and not be hassled for it.
Anyways, I had a few unexpected and unusual surprises as I worked on that fence all day. It so happened that some dudes were playing basketball next door and they decided to pump some tunes in their flashy beamer. The first song they play is that 'jump up and get crazy, your mother gets all crazy' catchy clubbin' rave tune, so I'm expecting like a pump up playlist... I was very wrong. The next song happened to be Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen. Now that's such a surprise; I think I chuckled and then sang a long. Secondly, some time after lunch, I was replacing the sandpaper on my power-sander when I sensed something in my periphs [peripherals]. It was the eerie feeling where you know that someone or something is defs [definitely] watching you. So as I was sitting on my step ladder I glanced to my left and saw, no word of a lie, a fox which was around 15 feet from me. And I'm not talking about a pretty lady, this was a legit [legitimate] animal. It was scruffy lookin' and quite petit(e) (not sure if it was a guy or gal, them French like their gendered words). The fox was just staring at me, and I just stared back for maybe 5 seconds due to being shocked seeing an actual fox in the neighbours driveway. It took a couple steps towards me and the thought of it looking at me like I was food actually popped into my head! Unreal. I stood up and it realized I was a threat and it scampered down the backyard towards the river. Naturally I chased it, but it was dang fast and disappeared into the brush (pshh I probs [probably] would have skinned it...). After that escapade I went back to the boring ol' scraping/sanding, but that moment made my day.


The song I'm listening to as I write this blog: Everything I Build by The Stills (Check it, it's a chillin' song).

1 comment:

  1. What would you skinned it with???? your Sander...... Manny come to my house and I will teach you the ways...

    Ps... thats all i got.


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