Monday, June 8, 2009

Tight and Bright

You know what the best thing ever is??! Going places with mass amounts of people in themed costumes that make you stand out. Yes, this Sunday a bunch of us went to see the awesome 3D movie UP! Let me tell you that this movie is quite the roller coaster of emotion. Just as you are laughing your head off the plot turns and gets really deep and personal. I cannot remember another movie where I laughed as hard or teared up as much (yes, I'm a sensitive guy). The 3D was extraordinary too by the way. Unbelievable. It has come a long way since the last one I saw which was Muppets in 3D at Disney WORLD (hmmm in grade 5)! In the Muppet movie things would just randomly pop out and people would ooh and aah but in UP the actual scenes are in 3D which boggled my MIND. I won't spoil this awesome movie for you because I do recommend you go out and sport those snazzy glasses at the theatre!
ANYWAYS, back to the title of this blog... The lot of us ended up wearing very tight and colourful clothing to the polo park cinema. I showed up to the Froese's to get a ride and was shocked to find Daniel in a flashy sweater, head band, and jean cut-offs that bordered his crotch region (Dan must be a nevernude. Arrested Development anyone??). Yes that's right, try not to conjure up a mental image of Daniel Froese in ridiculously short jean cut-offs (I love how I said it again to double the chances of you imagining that). I ended up fitting into clothing that my friends Gaby and Jess brought which happened to include a very snug yellow shirt, a dancer's skin tight colourful halter top, and a very constricting red vest. I was unable to relax my shoulders and muscles throughout the entire movie, it was that bad! It actually felt like the halter top was piercing through my ribcage. Oh well, my TCBY helped me through the pain.
Overall, people must have thought we lost a bet (at least Mr. Geddert and his family thought so... YA, Mr. Geddert witnessed such a thing), but it just so happens we are definitely adventurous.


The song I'm listening to as I write this blog: The Guitar Man by Cake (check it).

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