Friday, May 7, 2010

Busy Weekend?

... Yes.

So, this is my first weekend since I've started work again and it looks like I won't be able to kick back and rest at all. Tonight we have our annual all-nighter at Youth. All the things that we have planned is already enough to make me sigh with fatigue, but I know it'll be a blast! Saturday I have a tennis sesh [session] (haven't done that in ages) planned in the afternoon, then most likely a supper/hockey hangout and then a party, party hangout (shout out to Kris Saint once again). Who even knows how late that will go!? Then Sunday I have TWO soccer games! One at 7pm and the other at 9pm... Jeezalooooo! I shall be exhausted. But first, I must go coach a soccer game right now.

On another note, I went to the provincial court office today to receive my fine for driving with an invalid/expired license ("It's Just a Shortcut..." remember?)! Well, thankfully I just got a slap on the wrist and had to pay a fine of $100! Phew... the judicial justice of peace guy said that I could have been fined up to $2000! I'm so glad that I had no prior tickets! Stay safe out there on those roads kids!

Life Lesson #1: Safety is it's own reward.
Life Lesson #2: It pays to have a clean record.

There you go, TWO life lessons in ONE entry! Wow, that's a first, and I'm definitely considering this a milestone.


Anyways, I really need to get going... You also may be wondering when that Olympic Fever mini series is going to premier, right?! Patience, my friends. It'll come in due time!

Life Lesson #3: Patience is a virtue.

What, three life lessons?! Well, I could say a fourth... Nah, three's a charm... (get it?)

Stay tuned!

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