I've also heard about a study on texting and daily moods. The amount of texting you do in a day is directly proportional to how negatively you feel. Makes sense, I've just realized that I text way too much. When I text too much in a day or in a short period of time, it's true, I feel frustrated and distraught! Plus, "screens" are what most people spend their time with these days, it's kind of disappointing once you really think about it. I'm going to try and reasonably limit my time on "screens" from this point onwards. It'll be hard because I love watching sports (especially playoffs, which is right now), video games, and blogging so much! Bah... I'll still try.
Although, maybe I'm just feeling drained because I haven't been busy during the day at all this week. I start my painting job at Chromatic Painting again tomorrow, so it'll be nice to work and make some full-time, steady money! I also start my outdoor soccer season this evening and I can't wait! I've joined a summer indoor team as well, so I'll be having a doubled fix of my favourite sport this summer! While I'm on the subject, here are my two newest soccer purchases:

My Tottenham Hotspur Crouch kit finally came in this last week! It took almost a month due to ordering it from a Scottish online store and having the Icelandic volcano halt air traffic for so long... but now it's mine, and I'm loving it (yes, Crouch is on the back of it). My other purchase is my new Nike T3 CT turf cleats you see there; my boy Malech picked them out for me (thanks bro). Sixty bucks for a pair of sweet Nike boots? Yes, please! Sweet colours too, the inner side of the boot has a turquoise Nike check mark as opposed to the dark blue one on the outter side. So PUMPED!
To sign this entry off, I have a tasty treat for ya. This came to my attention while I was driving home from St. Paul (Minneapolis) last weekend. Remember Blur? ... Does "Song 2" ring a bell? You know, the sweet song from that super old but awesome Labatt Blue commercial! Yes, the 4 members of Blur have finally recorded together again, which hasn't happened since their 2003 album!! I'm actually a big fan of this new single. It's definitely grown on me. Here it is, check it OUT: Fool's Day.
To sign this entry off, I have a tasty treat for ya. This came to my attention while I was driving home from St. Paul (Minneapolis) last weekend. Remember Blur? ... Does "Song 2" ring a bell? You know, the sweet song from that super old but awesome Labatt Blue commercial! Yes, the 4 members of Blur have finally recorded together again, which hasn't happened since their 2003 album!! I'm actually a big fan of this new single. It's definitely grown on me. Here it is, check it OUT: Fool's Day.
p.s. I danced my heart out at a friend's wedding social last night. There were a plenty of dance circles. It was joyous.
I agree: CBC is SO much more pleasant to wake up to than being yelled awake by Nickelback. I hate my first thoughts in the morning being curses haha.
ReplyDeleteTrue that, double TRUE!