Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Interview with Royal Canoe!

Alright, so I'm finally getting to this post, and wow, it's been a few weeks. I meant to post this on the 16th of April! I know that this is a been-there,-seen-that type post to some of my blogging peeps, but hey, I'm proud of this moment and I want to archive it as a Life Lesson! So STEP OFF *as a high Jack Black vocal*! Anyways, here we go...

Eric, Cam, Jill, and I checked out the newly renovated WECC back in mid April, as we attended Courtney Wing's CD release show. Royal Canoe opened though, and that's who we really went to see. Cam and I actually talked with and interviewed a couple of our favourite musicians from Royal Canoe (they're also both in The Waking Eyes, which is an unreal band as well)! We had a pretty long and stellar convo! Here are the two solid vids that Cam beautifully put together, check this OWT:

Royal Canoe (West End Cultural Centre) Part 1 from Cam F. on Vimeo.

Royal Canoe (West End Cultural Centre) Part 2 from Cam F. on Vimeo.

p.s. Shout out to my boy Caleb Screpnek for moving into the city and also for apparently giving me a shout out on his blog! Check out the Chronic-what-cles of Caleb right now (I added the SNL - Lazy Sunday reference...NBD)!

1 comment:

  1. I cried, I laughed, I hurled. Epic blog Manny. You rock my world.


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