Friday, May 21, 2010

Mobile Mayhem

Life Lesson: No SMS is worth an SOS.

The use of mobile phones while driving is just plain deadly. Especially text-messaging, which apparently keeps users' eyes off the road for an average of 4 seconds! This translates into a full football field in length (120 metres) at average speeds! This info came from U.S. transportation secretary Ray LaHood. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who supports a global safety campaign on mobile use while driving (led by the U.S. and Russia), announced that in some countries, approximately 90% of people use mobile phones while driving. That's UNREAL, and totally true. Manitoba will finally pass a law banning cellphone use and texting while driving next month. If caught, the ticket fine will cost the driver $191; but why that significant amount? Does someone know?! Do they draw three numbers from 1-10, put them together, and the result is the amount (sarcasm font needed)? The fine will most likely rise and become more severe in time though; it happened with the seat belt penalty! The use of mobile phones in vehicles is gradually becoming the number one killer on the road, and this is scary!!

Obviously it is super convenient to use the phone when you are driving, but you cannot deny, that in doing so, that action creates a massive safety hazard! Stats don't lie (most of the time), the risk of getting into an accident is increased by four times when you drive and use your mobile. Cellular devices are extremely distracting when you aren't driving, so why use them when you are?! Don't get me wrong, I AM 100% guilty of using my cellphone when I drive. Just yesterday I used it when I was driving late to my soccer game. I texted at a red light (safer than while driving) and then to be sure, called my friend to tell her to put me down on the game sheet because I was going to be late (you can only play the second half if you're not on the game sheet before the game starts; it's stupid)! So in that way it's convenient, but I'm not ignoring the fact that it is still dangerous. Also yesterday, my Mom saw three separate, serious accidents while driving down the same road! Who knows if it was really due to cellphone use, but we can seriously speculate with good reason. I mean, who would really admit that they were on the phone when they got into an accident?!

So it sure looks like those hands-free bluetooth devices are going to see a spike in sales. I very much dislike them though. First of all, if you don't have a job or business that requires you to be on the phone at every moment, why use one of those goofy looking, isolated ear attachments or headsets?! Even those bluetooth talk to/talk back devices in your car can never understand who you want to call anyways... RIGHT?!

Me: "Call Dad, Mobile"
Bluetooth Device: "Did you say: Call, Jon Patterson?"
Me: "NOOOOOOO, you STUPID piece of $%*&!" (I didn't say exactly this, but this is what I was feeling)

Also, there is another side of the argument in which you could say that there are many other things in your vehicle to distract you while driving... which is true! But com'on, let's face it, the cellphone factor clearly stands out and is understandably being dealt with.

Stay safe on the road, and remember, safety is it's own reward!

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